Monday 29 June 2009

Rant 381 / Brix

Today while moving stuff for the painters to paint a room, I came across this wireless USB adapter that has been left to rot in a corner for a year or two. I originally got this because of a wrong diagnosis. I really had router problems then but mistook it for an adapter problem.

Anyway, I had a crazy idea for it - PLUG IT INTO MY NEW DESKTOP! I know I know - I've already tried such a thing with my mobile USB modem and failed miserably, but hey, there is only a thin line between persistence and stupid stubbornness. Coincidentally the same thin line also lies between bravery and insanity.

You know what? It worked! My ping hasn't been improved, according to my pinging in the Command Prompt and, but my download speed has been octupled with the addition of a single adapter.

Here's proof.

Before adding extra adapter:



The ping was stabilised at 1-2ms between my computer and router, for reasons I'm not aware of. It frequently has been jumping between 1-350ms but at the moment it is not. I still don't understand why.

But when I saw the dramatic improvement (tested thrice with consistent results),

Won another two rounds again as commander in Empires without losses.

*Does hip-thrusting, fist-pulling motion*

Noticed that what I research doesn't really matter as long as I don't get seriously unsuitable stuff like nuclear missiles and only light tanks (which cannot hold nukes, rendering the nuclear research useless). The main thing that is important is to give my team targets, ie pinpoint nearby enemy positions.

It is like a legal wall hack that can only be activated by the commander. The more frequently I update their targets, the more effective my troops are because they'll always know where the enemies are hiding. They don't need to be in direct line-of-sight of my troops to allow me to see them, only be in a certain radius around each guy in my team. Even when my guys don't see them, I can, so I indicate their locations to nearby teammates in the form of red diamonds.

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