Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Rant 601 / GOOOOOOOLD!

Never got around to mentioning it but this new music featured on the right is L'estasi dell'Oro, which literally means The Ecstasy of Gold, by Ennio Morricone. This is actually a remix which does not really portray the feeling the title says. If you listen to the original, you will understand what I mean.

The remix is more exciting and done in the modern style of having the climax right from the start. It's a nicer piece of music to listen to but the meaning is absent. No building up or anything. Sometimes anticipation can have effects other than just making someone anxious.

People think that the new dating campaign won't work because of the high cost of starting a new family. Isn't the same problem plaguing all developed countries except the US?

I agree that this is probably the biggest long-term problem all First World countries must encounter but it doesn't mean it need not be solved. At this rate, we're going to see a cycle of wealth and poverty everywhere.

1) Poor country gets rich.
2) Citizens stop having enough children.
3) Too many elderly, not enough working people.
4) Economy overburdened by cost of keeping old people alive, not supported enough by younger generations
5) Rich country goes poor, back to square one.
6) Return to step 1.

I admit it's going to take some serious ingenuity to overcome this. Taking in foreigners is only a temporary solution - you can only absorb so many non-natives at a time before your native population gets diluted enough that they are culturally overwhelmed by the foreigners. At that point, this country might as well be an extension of whichever country the majority of foreigners hailed from.

Already we're beginning to have problems with people from the PRC. Other than that issue a few years back about massage parlours, I've also heard stories of cab drivers having problems with them. Locals mainly give them problems with change (try paying with a $50 bill in the morning lol) or eating in the vehicle, but there's this driver who told me some PRC chick tried to blackmail him (is it what it's called?) by threatening to fake a report to the police about him molesting her if he didn't let her out of the cab without paying.

I think we're getting close to the limit. In another 50 years at this rate we're going to be another state in the PRC. I'm not sure if that's great for Singaporeans but it's going to be a pity letting a such a nice country be ruined. But in the long term, I guess it's eventually going to happen. If not China, then another country.

Anyway that cab driver just went ahead and let her filed her report. They went to court and she was charged for filing a false report.

Been a little busy for the last few days. Now I really see why Vic always seemed busy. It's not just his work; those English assignments do take some time and a lot of concentration. And they also have deadlines and if we hand in late, marks are automatically deducted by the computer. Good thing we can hand in online though.

Fortunately printing is kept a the minimum in UniSIM. All the notes have been compiled and published as textbooks so that only a single module that I'm taking requires printing a sheet or two for each class. So we have about 2 textbooks per module, excluding recommended books. I think I'm going to buy the recommended book for the one Chinese module I'm about to take in the second half of the semester.

It's interesting how these classes are scheduled. You apply for classes for the entire semester but each module only takes up half the semester. So all my English language modules are in the current half while my one and only Chinese module is in the second half. Can't wait till I reach the first two weeks of the next half because I'll be going to school only once a week!

Plenty of time to read through the Chinese textbooks. Already I'm reading the first few pages of the Chinese textbooks (上册和下册). Going really slowly though because I kind of suck at reading Chinese. Still, I understand what it's saying, so it's cool.

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