Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Rant 593 / The Publish Post Button. So Bright. So Orange. So Forgettable.

1500 dead. 3 million affected. Big flood. Some Pakistanis obviously need to lose weight.

See how when 1 guy dies, it's a tragedy but when it's 1500 all those corpses just inexplicably turn into statistics?

My guess is that it's because we just can't imagine what 1500 floating bodies look like.

This sounds easy. I haven't searched for sage at Cold Storage at Holland V before but I think it should be there with the other herbs. Parma ham is definitely there, though it's a little expensive. 150g should cost me about $20, can't remember exactly since I haven't bought it in a long time.

Even parrots love Star Wars.

Singapore's crime rate drops below the already negligible rate, but youth crime rose by a measly 1%. Blame parents. When I look at my bro and think of him being a father in 6-7 years' time, I kind of understand why parents suck at raising children these days.

I'm always thinking: What? Him? A father? What? He still doesn't even lift a finger to help with any household chore and he's going to be a dad? And his girlfriend, all she does is hide in his room with her laptop like me. No offence but if things go on like that the world's better off if one of them gets sterilized.

This raises a point that's been on my mind for a number of years - that adults aren't really as matured as I had expected when I was younger. It feels like very few parents were actually ready to become parents when they did. The picture I'm seeing is that we're having kids raising their own kids!

Maybe I've just been overestimating adulthood or maybe our generation grew up in a much softer environment. I wouldn't know. It's just like I am confused about whether my own mother is getting old or that she's never been as wise, matured and intelligent as I thought. I simply can't tell.

Don't compare yourselves with me. I'm not planning to have children ever. I don't even believe in marriage. My dad's gone and my mum's not destined for longevity, so I have no pressure whatsoever to present anyone with grandkids. You know, silver lining and look on the bright side and blah blah blah. Therefore I can do as I will without fear of consequences on my wife and children.

You guys can't, if you're going to be married and have offspring. You have an obligation learn to act like responsible adults. If you still rely on your parents to clean up the dishes after meals when you're in your mid-twenties, you are not ready to be a parent.

Sometimes I think there are people out there who believe that just because he can ejaculate and she's having periods and they have a steady income, they can both be parents and raise their own children. That's the impression I get from seeing what I've seen. Whatever happened to the need to understand what the word "responsibilities" mean?

Remember that it just takes one bad child to make you a bad parent. You can have 10 kids and 9 of them win Nobel Prizes but if that last one gets caught smuggling drugs into Singapore you've still failed at parenthood.

Local banking services last month got disrupted for a few hours. MAS sends warning to all the banks to make sure it doesn't happen again.

"MAS will not hesitate to take appropriate supervisory action against any financial institution which fails to meet the standards," it said.

MAS reminds me of LKY for some reason.

PCK movie, coming 12 Aug.

Here's something interesting. If you have cancer, don't drink Coke. Apparently cancer cells love fructose and a lot of American processed food and beverages contain High Fructose Corn Syrup, aka HFCS. It's well-known that Coke and Pepsi contain lots of that.

Pancreatic tumor cells use fructose to divide and proliferate, U.S. researchers said on Monday in a study that challenges the common wisdom that all sugars are the same.

Tumor cells thrive on sugar but they used the fructose to proliferate.

So if you're at risk of cancer or already have it, avoid fructose as much as possible. Use google for more information on what food contains it.

Now the team hopes to develop a drug that might stop tumor cells from making use of fructose.

I see hope now. This move makes sense.

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