Sunday, 8 August 2010

Rant 595 / Not Talking

You know, after all that flooding last month, why don't I see any report of people being electrocuted when the water came into contact with the power sockets? It can't be that all the power sockets in the basement floors were placed very high up, right? Some had to be located near the floor. So why didn't anyone get fried?

I used to imagine that automatic cars, which I've always regarded as an inevitable innovation in the present social environment, to require rails. It was probably because I didn't quite believe that automatic cars can properly steer themselves and would require a single rail to guide them.

I believe these cars in the videos use something similar to our optical mouse to track the distances it is moving to each side in order to correct it.

In 10 years we probably won't need a license to drive and all parking lots can be placed in rural areas to conserve space in the cities.

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