I got a slight shock today when the barber/hairstylist told me I was balding around my ears. Since when did balding begin there?? More importantly, I have too much hair to start balding! There have been occasions when my hair jammed the duller shavers used by the barbers, so balding has never been one of my worries.
My immediate conclusion was that my headphone was the problem. You see, I always use this huge headset that cup both my ears. I don't have speakers, so I wear them all the time when I'm on the computer, which is anywhere between 6-12 hours a day.
FYI for about a year I've been using the SteelSeries Siberia Full-Size Headphones (image in link is white, mine is all black) which my bro got for free from some sponsors for his gaming-related club in NUS (or so he claimed). In recent months, I've been using this more frequently during the day because school has prevented me from playing in the evening and sleeping late.
With it pressing hard on the hair around my ears and together with my perspiration, I think it's preventing hair from growing in those area and causing a minor rash. I can't see it though.
So now I've downgraded to a cheaper headset that doesn't really fit, a TDK ST350. It's smaller but I don't have much of a choice here. The SteelSeries headphones still works and I've returned it to my bro even though he rarely uses headphones.
This sucks. That headset has been the most durable one I've used so far and it's sound quality is pretty good, though I'm no audiophile and I'm unable to make any solid comments about it. The felt rings that cup the ears still aren't marked or anything even after almost a year of heavy use, except maybe the top. The wires that pull down the strap may have loosened a bit over the months but it's still working fine.
Met an uncle-in-law today. 姨长; this term doesn't change if the aunt he's married to is elder or younger to your mother. He was the one who brought me and the other guys around when we went to HK some years back.
Always thought he looked liked my father. Anyway he was my father's friend and it was my mum who introduced him to her sister.
Brought some news about other relatives, most of them bad. It's life after all.
He travels a lot due to his work. I think he works in the sales department of some international corporation that's mainly into manufacturing. According to him he was on his way to Malaysia because there was this factory that made some rubber thing that is either stuck on shirts or used to paint on them and doesn't wash off even in hot water at 80 degrees Celsius.
Stopped here for a night to see my mum for some reason. You know what? I'm curious about why he's always so nice to my family. None of the other uncle-in-laws do anything for us except him. I'm beginning to suspect he was a pretty good friend of my father's. Another uncle-in-law knew my father and even did business with him but I've never seen him other than that one night when I visited my relatives on my own during the trip to HK with the BC.
Never got the chance to ask him about my father before marriage though. The only thing I caught in his conversation with my mum about him was that my father was a very conservative man who acted like he was liberal-minded (in his day), which confirms what I have gathered from what my mum has said over the years.
Of course I'm curious. It only makes sense that a man changes after getting married, and my mum definitely doesn't know what he was like before she met him. This uncle does. I should probably find some way to talk to him, but I think it will probably happen only at my mum's funeral.
Sad that my aunt got gullible enough to be a guarantor for a friend when he/she borrowed money from banks and loan sharks. It's so bad now that even this uncle, who's rich enough to buy a Mercedes Benz for his son as his first car, can barely handle the monthly payments for her. 19% interest for some of the loans. There is apparently no way to alleviate the problem now and even the cousin with the Economics degree and working at Wall Street could only say that she was stupid.
What I learnt from this is that I'll never be your guarantor, no matter who you are, unless I can easily afford to pay it for you. That should limit the amount to 10-20 dollars, Taiwanese.
I wonder how this story will be concluded. It's life. Anything is possible. She could probably escape to HK but I'm not sure if it will solve the problem permanently.
Why is everyone stupid enough to go broke for real? Just last year a friend of my mum's just declared bankrupt and she gave her her laptop out of sympathy. Not sure how the $1000 laptop will help. Maybe she can sell her services on webcam sites that feature milfs. I don't know. What I do know is that I will definitely avoid that site at all costs if I find out about it.
You guys reading this really need to learn about frugality. Shit happens to anyone at any age. According to the lecturer in my Managing Personal Finances course, young people today can expect to live up to 100 in the future due to rapid advances medical technologies. Adjust your savings accordingly, at the very least.
The average may still be 70 in Singapore but people don't automatically drop dead at that age. It's the average, calculated by adding both those who died young and those who died really late. You may turn out to be one of those who dies really late. What are you going to eat then if your money runs out?
Depend on your children?
Don't make me laugh. Today's kids have different values compared to us, just like we are different from our parents. Do you know there have been 2 old people living on the streets right here where I live recently? They used to stay somewhere near the market and I'm not exaggerating when I say they lived there. The old woman was so weak she had to pass motion and etc in public. It was some days later that the authorities took them away to give them somewhere to stay for free (I think).
I know that the old man had at least a son, but the son sold his home and disappeared with the money, hence his situation.
Shit happens to anyone. Healthy NSmen can die of heart problems during a routine jog. Non-smokers can die of lung cancer. Singapore can be strongly affected by natural disasters. The poor old woman sitting on the pavement selling tissue paper all day can own a brand new handphone with videocam function and stuff. There are few impossibilities in life. Natural blizzards and hailstorms in Singapore, and women with penile cancer. That's it. Everything else you think is undeniably true, I suggest you stop believing they're 100% solid. Maybe just 90%.
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