Natural Harvest, by Fotie Photenhauer.
Semen is not only nutritious, but it also has a wonderful texture and amazing cooking properties. Like fine wine and cheeses, the taste of semen is complex and dynamic. Semen is inexpensive to produce and is commonly available in many, if not most, homes and restaurants. Despite all of these positive qualities, semen remains neglected as a food. This book hopes to change that. Once you overcome any initial hesitation, you will be surprised to learn how wonderful semen is in the kitchen. Semen is an exciting ingredient that can give every dish you make an interesting twist. If you are a passionate cook and are not afraid to experiment with new ingredients - you will love this cook book!
Yes it's a semen-themed cookbook. Believe it.
If you have the money and you like to gamble, now is probably a good time to go to Macau. Apparently the Chinese government had changed their laws to prevent citizens from overspending there, causing a major drop in revenue. According to my uncle, they're giving out VIP rooms to "anyone" (though the term is subjective) who gambles there. Doesn't even matter if you've only been spending all that money on slot machines; if they think you've spent enough, you get the room plus buffet for free.
This is because since last year, the Chinese are only allowed to visit Macau once every three months, especially those at managerial positions or higher, in both the private and public sectors. In fact for some, their passports are kept by the company/organization they work for instead of themselves.
But the Chinese aren't poor. They may have splurged in Macau before but another news article claims that they're richer than officially reported, something we all already know but never discuss. Among other things we should be aware of is that the Chinese play with the real estate markets a lot. You'll have to be pretty naive to think the current real estate prices in Shanghai are natural.
Quoting from the article of the last link:
"Between January and July, new homes in the city, excluding those for relocations, sold at an average 20,824 yuan per square meter, compared to 14,536 yuan in the same period last year."
Randomly picked condo near Haw Par MRT, Viva Vista is sold at 500+k, has 334 sq ft (same as sq meter afaik in real estates)
500,000 / 334 = 1497 SGD per sq ft
Another random condo priced at 700+k, has minimum 388 sq ft, but I'll take 431 sq ft since there are more units of those
700000/431 = 1624 SGD per sq ft
At most they're going to hit 2000 SGD per sq ft, and they're new condos.
As you can see, there's a real estate bubble in China. What you may not see is that they're also trying to do the same thing in other countries.
They don't do it alone. First they spot the areas that are popular, then they get a group of friends, each of whom would fork out some money. Then they would buy up every single available apartment in that area, hence controlling the entire supply. Since the area is popular, the demand wouldn't die out. In fact, as prices rise it is easy to see how others would want to buy them as investments.
4000 Sing dollars per square feet is the result. And that's only for the average new homes, not the classier stuff built for the wealthy. I believe $4000/sq ft in Singapore only applies to the higher floors of the most expensive condos.
I'm pretty sure they're already trying to do the same in Singapore but that they have been hindered by the strict laws here, whatever they are.
As for China, there are signs that the bubble is about to burst. The prices aren't rising so fast anymore and sales have dropped. Hopefully their government has it under control, or the yuan may get affected.
What's with all the flights to Singapore being full these days? Seriously, first it was one of my aunts who couldn't come here because all the flights from HK were full on the days she could make it, now it was this uncle who said he had to search a bit for a ticket and that the plane he was in was packed.
Tourism in Singapore? Or people coming back this late after the long weekend?
Last night my bro asked me if I wanted to buy Nation Red. It's on sale on Steam for 7 USD per copy and has a special 4-pack for 15 USD. It's kind of like Alien Swarm, except it has zombies instead of aliens and is held in arenas instead of campaigns.
I like the part about zombies but arenas IMO don't have much replay value. If I were working and have my own income, I wouldn't mind spending a few dollars on it. But right now buying this game that I definitely won't be playing much isn't exactly a wise choice, just like SC2.
It's not like I'm desperate for new games at the moment anyway. Warband and its custom mods are keeping me occupied all the time. Currently playing Blood and Steel, but I'm considering a change.
Blood and Steel puts much less focus on equipment (although there are now female armours, allowing us to play as tranny warlords) and horses, and much more on soldiers. All horses are simplified into the types and there are no longer Champion Coursers, just Coursers. There are many more units though, like Valkyries and Cannoneers and Pistoleros/Pistoleras.
I want my Champion Coursers, but these new units look pretty cool too. Hmm...
*GASP* I never knew this was there all along!
1. | Is accessing pornography on the Internet illegal? |
The MDA does not monitor or track users' access to any sites on the Internet and does not interfere with what individuals access in the privacy of their homes. We are primarily concerned with the purveyors and distributors of pornography. Unless you engage in such activities, the mere act of visiting such sites is not an offence. |
I was actually looking for the third question which was about TV license because in the near future I may stop having a TV at all.
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