Sunday, 30 August 2009

Rant 410 / Why Is Large So Small?

Mental fatigue. You know what, I've almost forgotten what it feels like until this semester. This means I haven't been doing anything productive last semester. Though this shows that stupidity is not the root of my academic problems, this is just as bad since it proves that laziness is.

How does one cure oneself of chronic laziness?

People don't just wake up one day and find themselves amazingly diligent and motivated. That would be fantastic but I know it's just one of my laziness-induced dreams.

Laziness is probably the only problem in existence whose victims wouldn't bother to get rid of even if they're aware that their lives are being screwed up by it.

Everything must end. Afterlife is antithetical to nature because permanence is wrong. All I do is sit here and talk.

I believe I have finally narrowed the problem of my PC down to one possibility - my network card.

I tried to update the Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller thrice, all resulting in crashes when it began to "search for updates online".

It started when I tried to upload a screenshot of a gold seller's spam (as in selling gold for real money, which is illegal) to an email I'm sending to the game company. I tried it twice and it crashed both times while uploading.

This made me remember that there is a driver I never did update even though it was shown as an optional update in the Windows Update alerts. So I tried it and the second paragraph was the result.

While typing this, another idea popped up in my head. Since it shouldn't be my network adapter, it's probably for a hardwire connection, so I'm going to disable it and see if it helps.



Just returned from my sixth crash of the day. Something is terribly wrong here and I don't know if it's my network card.

It's strange because this isn't the first time I'm uploading a screenshot for such an email.

So after some googling (in vain), I tried to upload it again. It went perfectly! What on earth is happening?

I still don't get why people take down notes during lectures even when the lecturer is merely rephrasing what is already printed in the notes. Today I observed a few people in front of me writing stuff frantically during the Fluids Mechanics lecture though the lecturer was just reading the notes aloud most of the time.

What the heck were they taking notes for???

He wasn't even explaining anything (unless you call reading out Greek symbols properly an "explanation")! Everything that came out of his mouth was clearly printed in the notes in front of them!

If the lecturer wasn't saying anything new (or anything a dead vegetable with Down's Syndrome couldn't deduce at a glance), why would there be a need to write anything more?

Are the printed words too neat for their tastes? Maybe they have some sort of OCD that makes them mess up everything that seems neat and tidy?

I just don't understand this obsession with writing notes whenever a sound exits the lecturers' mouths. If a lecturer accidentally burps, do you think they would scribble "burp" on their notes? Would they wonder if they would be tested on that in the exam?

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