Sunday, 16 August 2009

Rant 404 / What If Pinnochio Said," My Nose Will Now Grow"?

Rule 1 - Never leave your tutorials incomplete on Saturday because it is unlikely you would finish it on Sunday.

Rule 2 - Once there's a first time, the second time gets easier. Applies to all forms of temptation.

Unfortunately I can't post the animated version. This is for those who couldn't visualise it in the other way. With the animated GIF (and even this still image) you can now visualise her turning in both directions at will.

I don't know if it's just my ignorance at management, but it sure doesn't sound right that the American corporations are using their bailout money (given by their government to save them from bankruptcy) to raise the salaries of their employees. Maybe there is something I don't see, but from where I'm standing this act makes no sense at all.

They should be cutting their pay instead of increasing it!

Though I don't quite agree with the argument that they should stop rewarding employees for taking big risks, I still believe that taking risk isn't everything in making money. Sure, one can only profit where there are risks involved, but one should understand the risk and not attempt to gamble with anything one cannot afford to lose.

Furthermore, I have to agree that the financial sector really doesn't deserve the money it is earning. Yes, it works by putting our money where it is the most profitable, but we all know what happened in the recent mortgage crisis in the States, don't we?

They need to find another way to reward employees. It is obvious they need to rethink their strategy of giving big fat bonuses to the lucky guys who took big risks and won. Paying these people more doesn't mean they're going to get luckier the next time they gamble with the shareholders' money.

As suggested in this commentary, the Tobin tax does seem like a good idea.

The gist of this tax is to charge a tiny percentage of all currency trades. It benefits the world by reducing the impact of economic troubles in one country on the others. On the other hand, it's a form of tax and all taxes discourage trade. The Tobin tax would reduce the volume of and discourage currency trades.

From what I gather, this is mainly a debate between stability and profitability.

According to my timetable, my entire Wednesdays and Fridays are going to be spent in a single venue. The best would be Fridays, when I have 4 consecutive hours of classes in a single lecture hall, together with 2 hours of non-stop lecture earlier in the morning.

I don't know if I can handle the 3 hours of tutorials within that 4 hours, but I don't have a choice in the present situation. At least I don't have to move around in between.

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