Monday, 24 August 2009

Rant 408 / Helium Is Created By Radioactive Decay of Uranium

Woohoo! 5k HP! Finally I'm tough enough to avoid being a 1-hit-wonder* in endgame instances! Now the problem is with finding a party, which is impossible right now without a guild. Guess I'll just have to do other things.

*refers to the number of hits it takes from an average monster in those dungeons to kill me.

Some say inflation will occur in the US, others say it won't. Some say inflation is a good thing, others say otherwise.

In this case, if the USD does inflate soon, all those Americans who are in debt will be screwed because their debts will also inflate!

I don't know, in simulation games, inflation is always good. I mean, imagine one day you're earning and spending SGD, and the next day your wallet is filled with GBP instead. What's bad about that?

The logic about inflation being bad is something like this (my understanding of it anyway): other countries will avoid your exports when your currency inflates, resulting in a decrease in demands for your goods.

English Breakfast Tea is the best of the five teas in that box of Twinnings tea. There were Assam, Earl Grey, Lady Grey and Ceylon but English Breakfast Tea was perfect IMO. It was mild and doesn't taste acidic at all. I'd say that Assam came a close second but in the morning, I prefer milder flavours.

Oh well, that's all of the teas. The box is now empty. Now I'm back to Lipton's Yellow Label again. Somewhat acidic, but still better than my mum's hardcore stuff.

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