I have computer problems. Unable to solve them but they're not serious enough to warrant a visit to Sim Lim. Both utorrent and Folding@Home is making my computer crash. It happens randomly when it does, everything just pauses. Cursor would remain operable for a couple of seconds more before freezing.
Nothing works but hitting the reset button.
No idea why since I have more than enough memory and processing power to open 100 of these applications. I've even increased my paged pool size.
To counter these problems, I've completely stopped using Folding@Home and tweaked the settings of utorrent. Folding@Home is causing more irritation than the satisfaction I get from doing a little good, so it's got to go. The number of connections utorrent can make now has been drastically reduced from over eight hundred to just above a hundred. According to the developers this should help with the crashes.
So far, it's been working. Crashes have been reduced but still happening. =(
The US is secretly testing methods to circumvent web filters abroad. While it certainly qualifies as an attempt to spread freedom of speech, this is a double-edged sword that can hurt their own side in the "War on Terror". I don't know if it's really such a great idea.
As I type this, someone dropped that metal rod that they use to hang their laundry. Made some pretty loud clangs but fortunately, no glass broke as far as I could tell. Well a hollow metal rod dropping about 23 stories should probably break some windows, so I wouldn't be surprised if it hit a window or even a head or two on its way to the ground floor.
Oh, and here's a loud voice too. It was probably a domestic helper who dropped it then. Or maybe someone else's laundry-hanging rod got pulled down too. LOL!
So my bro's got his first gf. Pretty serious about it, so much so that he spends around 15 hours outside, even on weekends. Without his laptop. I just hope nothing bad happens, though chances of that is slim. I mean, real life drama's interesting, but only if I'm not involved. And few people ever strike the lottery on their first try.
They don't sing like this anymore these days. Quantity wins over quality, I guess.
Now I understand why Teresa Teng was such a big deal.
All who love are blind. Scientifically proven.
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