The latest patch of Runes of Magic opened one of the new zones, the Weeping Coast, and raised the level cap to 52. Due to many of the quest rewards in the 50-55 lvl zone being items that give X-level stat boosts, the game economy has been thrown into chaos.
X-level (X being 10 in roman numerals) stat boosts, being the highest level stats in the game, used to be very rare in the past, selling for millions and can only be crafted with the highest-level crafting skills or looted from the toughest endgame instances. I used to make a few hundred thousand gold a day just selling the materials I gather ( I have the highest level gathering skills), but now the prices have dropped by 30-50%.
Now it's not as profitable and I have to find other ways to make money. Perhaps I should farm the new highest level materials, though I suspect few players have raised their crafting skills high enough to use them.
Futurama. Just watched the last 3 movies, The Beast with a Billion Backs, Bender's Game and Into the Wild Green Yonder. The Beast with a Billion Backs was obviously a parady of the Christian God and was not as good as Bender's Big Score, the first movie. The 3rd, Bender's Game, was a parady of D&D (Dungeons and Dragons, not Dinner and Dance) and LOTR.
The surprising thing about the 3rd movie was that there wasn't any exceptionally outstanding person in the cast. In the first two movies there were Al Gore and Stephen Hawking voiceacting as themselves, as they have done many times in past episodes. Of course, anyone could take the role of Stephen Hawking as long as they have a voice synthesizer but having him in the cast shows the sort of person he is despite being the most intelligent living scientist in the world.
Anyway the third movie was better than the second, though it has nothing to do with their themes.
The last movie was Into the Wild Green Yonder and it was just as good as Bender's Big Score, if not better. This movie also featured no one famous except maybe Snoop Dogg, a famous American rapper. For this movie, at least all the previous 3 movies must be watched to understand certain parts of it. Watching the series would help too.
This movie was made when the crew thought it would be the end of the series, hence making quite a few references to this during the course of the cartoon. This is why at the end, they paid extra charges to the studio to create a scene that encompasses all the minor characters that appeared in the entire series, sans the children due to the script (someone said there was no children).
So I've just learnt from other RoM players that the secret to raising tiers of weapons is... to use any crap junk fusion stones and equipment. The only important thing is the damage and durability of the weapon itself. I just saw a well-known player using a tier 10 axe and that axe was... amazing, mostly due to its mad damage.
The thing about tier 10 is that there are less than 3 items of this tier in all of the US servers. It is incredibly expensive to raise, so it's usually done only to the rarest weapons.
I've calculated the cost of doing this. Each of the cheapest fusion stones cost around 1920 gold, and it takes 3^8 of them to raise the tier from the normal 3 to the magic number 10.
3^8 = 6561
6561 X 1920 = 12,597,120
That is just for the fusion stones. Fusion stones need to be transmuted to mana stone by using any equipment. In this case, it would be easier to obtain all 6561 pieces of equipment by buying blank junk stuff from the NPC vendors since it takes 2 hours of non-stop monster massacre to get about 70 pieces of junk equipment. The cheapest equipment from NPCs go for 4000 gold apiece.
6561 X 4000 = 26,244,000
Total = 26,244,000 + 12,597,120 = 38,841,120
It takes almost 39m gold to get a tier 10 item, an incredibly large sum for any player.
I just gave a friend a voucher code for a 90-day-trial of NOD32 Antivirus. It's probably cheap, but I don't think it's bad. NOD32 is a very good antivirus programme after all. After installing it some years ago, and together with my paranoia regarding downloaded stuff, I've never had a single virus attack on my computers. Compared to Norton which I've used for years in the past, it's indescribably better (X divided by zero is undefined). Plus NOD32 scans files faster than the speed of light.
In return I got a Chupa Chups (3-in-1 omgomgomglololololol!!!!111(sin90)), a tiny Cadbury chocolate bar ("Milk Chocolate with Golden Hokey Pokey Honeycomb Pieces") and a Cadbury Dairy Milk Caramello bar. This looks suspicious similar to a gift bag or a door gift, but hell I gave him a free gift I got from buying my desktop, so it's even.
We had our birthday celebrations together, which explains this gift exchange.
Anyway, I'm not too sure if describing a piece of chocolate as containing honeycomb pieces is exactly a good marketing idea. I mean, don't bees build their hives with beeswax, which is not food?
I'll leave trying it to tomorrow since I just had a rather large portion of ice cream just now, though I'm really curious if I'm going to need to spit out tiny pieces of wax when I eat it.
Just kidding. =P
Also, I don't know what to do with this bar of Caramello because I don't like sweet chocolate. I'm probably going to give it to the next friend whose birthday celebration I'm attending.
No, I'm not kidding now. But please, if you know who I'm talking about, don't tell him. XD
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