Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Rant 283 / Simpsons Porn Is Child Porn

I believe I may have located the problem. Nothing is wrong with the files in my computer. It's my graphics card that's dying. I just got BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) from playing L4D. I am pretty screwed now. It means I can no longer play L4D.

It also means this computer's dying within half a year.

Frickin Acer! 2 laptops that last for about 2 years. I'm going back up all my stuff within the week, but I'll have little to do during the coming Lunar New Year holidays, other than watching Heroes and pwning with my Necrolyte in DotA.


Next time, I'll buy an ASUS.

Wired Science is being rickrolled. They're now asking for suggestion for a nickname for NASA's next Martian Rover. Lot's of people are suggesting "Rick Astley" because "He'll never give NASA up, let NASA down, run around or desert NASA. He's not going to make NASA cry, say goodbye, tell a lie, or hurt NASA."

I actually think this is funny and joined in. Let us all work together and make the next Martian Rover be nicknamed Rick Astley, and thus rickroll the Moon!

Speaking of rickrolls, here's one rickroll vid that's absolutely hilarious.

Parents who kill their kids by preventing them from getting medical attention should be killed. Especially if they do so because they believe in faith healing.

For the first case mentioned, they didn't even do anything except believe and pray to Gawd. Which rock have they been living under?? Are they even aware we're living in the 21st century already?!?!

I wouldn't be surprised if they're still devout believers after this. "Gawd's will", yea?

Practise safe sex - go fcuk yourselves!

Best of all, people are trying help these 2 parents after what they've done! Yep, they're not doubting that the parents chose Gawd over insulin because He's over 9000 times more effective against this disease than our standard treatment.

And she's presently dead.

No one is saying if it's good or bad on this second website because "we have no right to judge them". Instead, they're all arguing from the legal point of view. Apparently, there's a lot to argue about using their American laws.

I have nothing against most Christians, but this has passed my limits. Burying your head under the sand will change nothing, except only suffocate yourself.

Statistically, prayer doesn't solve most problems. In fact, for any religion whose supreme being(s) are omniscient, prayer is completely redundant.

He knows, bro. He knows. All you're doing is insult His abilities by implying that He doesn't know. Since He's omniscient, don't you think He would have known about your trouble even before He made the world? And since He's omnipotent, don't you think He would have done something to solve it already, if He so desires?

I know prayers "helped" Mother Theresa, but hey, few people actually know how much she suffered before she won her Nobel Prize. Yea, we all know she suffered, but how and to what degree?

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