Thursday, 15 January 2009

Rant 269 / Devoid Of Shit, I Shall Fart; I Shan't Relent!

OMG! Dirge, my favourite hero (not to mention the only guy whose usage I'm proficient at) has been dramatically changed! At DotA v6,57b, it was a melee Intelligence-based hero with shitty but rapid cooldown abilities.

Now at 6.58, it has been changed to Strength-based!

Now I'm not saying it's bad, but I've recently learnt some neat tricks (eg how to get Relic in 15mins and quickly down Roshan in early game) and haven't had the opportunity to try them out! With this change, those tricks will need to be changed or adapted to this new Dirge.

Among the 4 skills, only Soul Rip hasn't been changed. To me, it was the most important spell as an Intel hero since it's both an offensive and defensive spell. Now that it's a Str hero, I'm not sure anymore.

Decay doesn't look very useful though. 4 Str, stacked 3 times max at 4th level (cast at 0s, 11s, 22s) equates to reducing 12 Str at most. The cost is prohibitively high too, at 130mp per cast (390mp for 3 casts). For a Str hero, this doesn't look good at all. Plus the damage is so low, it's probably there merely for symbolic purposes.

I cannot control my zombies now and they don't spawn all at once. It is useful for pushing, true, and the Tombstone can be healed, though I'm not sure if it's a good idea to heal it in most situations. It can be a great defensive/radar skill when I'm attacking Roshan because of the range. My zombies spawn near enemies, so at 1000 distance, it sounds pretty cool.

But for 1v1 duels? Nah.

My ultimate has been changed from Plague to this. I am now forced to be a tank and run to the enemies. Probably to initiate attacks because the Golem's Plague works best on enemies close to it. Still.. a tank with only 1 skill to either heal or nuke and no stun?


Dirge is now a tank that isn't a tank...

I'll still try to down Rosh early though, in my next game with the BC.

Typing in the LWN lib 5th floor, the Quiet Zone. Wanted to eat my gravlax last night, but decided to cure it for one more day. And I remembered to flip it this morning! Will open it tonight. Can't wait!

I've decided! I shall come here to the Quiet Zone on the coming Sat to mug till it closes at 4.30pm. I'm lagging too much! I need to be 1 tut ahead of the tutors!

What is the point of have two cases of alphabets? The uses for capital letters are:
1) at the beginning of each sentence
2) at the beginning of each special noun
3) for exclamations (CAPSLOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL!!!!11!)

For 1, why bother? The fullstop marks the end of the previous sentence; the space marks the beginning of a paragraph. There is no need for a second indicator for the beginning of sentences! This is redundant, just like the letter "h" in the Spanish language!

For 2, there are many other ways to do it, like adopting the Umlaut to indicate that the word is, in fact, a name. Starting with a capital letter is just one way among many.

For 3, FFS! Why bother if we already have the exclamation mark "!"??

Therefore, I am sure that the upper case is a redundant legacy of the older versions of the English language which should be removed.

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