So with my new Rainmeter, I can now see how much bandwidth my comp is using. Discovered that though my bittorrent may be dling stuff at 200kbps, my comp may be dling data at 500-700kbps at the same time. Didn't expect that much other data. You can dl Rainmeter for free too. Really useful sometimes. Just google the name.
With this, I can see how much resources is being used when I'm not gaming and constantly be reminded of how much space I have in my hard disks. As you can see, my C drive is half full. It is mostly occupied by Windows. Fuck Windows for taking up a quarter of my space.
On Friday night, I wanted to buy a bicycle, both for losing weight and to see if I can cycle all the way to school. Takes less than an hour if I take a train, then a bus. I estimated that it would take me about 3 hours to cycle the whole way.
But this morning I woke up with one thought: I don't want a bicycle. I have no reason, other than laziness. I guess I have too little reason to buy a bike to overcome my laziness.
OMG! The last subbed episode of Naruto from DB is coming! After this, I will have to wait for months before VIZ catches up! No more Naruto for this sem after this... :(
It is crazy how many people play DotA on Garena. On an average afternoon, there are over 3000 people playing L4D on Garena, over 2000 playing WC3 TFT, over 300 playing RA3 and... over 150,000 playing WC3 RPGs, mainly DotA!
In other words, there are 50 times as many people playing DotA as those playing L4D on Garena. Singapore alone supplies over 4000 gamers for the DotA section. Russia has over 15,000 players.
Wallpaper dump yet again.
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