6 high school students share porn pics with their handphones. Now they're being charged with possession of child porn because the 3 girls were underaged. They were 14-15 while the guys were 16-17 years old. I'm not sure what to think of this, other than the obvious degradation of what kids are taught to think when it comes to physical attractiveness.
14-15 year old girls having practically nothing to show when they're nude. Other than the excitement of doing something illegal, I can think of no reason for the guys to see them naked. I mean, there are billions of pics and vids on the net that there way better than whatever crap they were sharing.
If they had uploaded the pics on the net, I'm pretty sure they are going to be stars on 4chan for a while. People are already asking for them.

Time to invest in foreign currencies other than the US dollar. Singapore isn't the only one thinking that; Korea is advising the same.
China's growth is slowing down. It's an inevitable event and it's been foreseen long ago. China can't keep exploding forever. It will keep growing but as it gets wealthier, it will get harder to maintain those numbers.

Somehow I'm getting the impression that I have 2 sets of memories - 1 for reality and 1 for my dreams. I cannot remember any of my dreams when I think about them while awake. I know I dream, albeit rarely, but I cannot recollect anything about the last dream within a min after waking up.
But there has been several occasions when I could remember something of another dream when I'm in a dream. I cannot remember what happened in those dreams, only my curiosity as to how I could recognize those memories from other dreams when I was in the dream. I knew, while in the dream, that those memories were from previous dreams and not real experiences. Once conscious, nothing remains of any dreams but that curiosity.
How could that be possible? It's not like I have 2 hard disks in my brain. So many things remain unknown about the human brain, it's frustrating.

Here's a troll-like post on some Catholic forum. Not the sort of troll who wants to be flamed but the sort who's going to get the expected sort of replies, and lots of them. Apparently, this guy wants to stop his porn addiction by removing his TV (there's porn on cable TV where he lives) and by giving his laptop to his friend.
His problem is that he needs his laptop so this doesn't work. So everyone's recommending filter programmes to him.
My view is that there are 2 ways out of this.
Stop seeing porn and masturbation as a sin. Masturbation is natural, even little children below 10 have been observed to masturbate. It is simply an instinctive activity like eating and drinking. You just know how to do it and you can do it.
One major clue is that when you rub on the right spot, you feel good. Children, even babies, can notice it when they are being cleaned by their parents or anything else that requires some touching. You may not have gone through this experience but books have been written based on such observations by psychologists.
Therefore, masturbation is as sinful as eating - they're only bad in excess.
Porn is not wrong. It may not be the best of entertainment, but if you can release your urges through porn, I can't see how it's wrong. No one is getting hurt in this! It's more logical to totally ban cigarettes then porn. It's more logical to ban CARS than cigarettes! That is, from the kill rate's point of view. Cars>smoking>porn.
Hell, even chicken bones have killed more people than porn. Little chicks should be de-boned when they're hatched to make them less of a hazard to humans.
Porn benefits people. Anyone with the right appearance who wishes to make a quick buck can do a stint in porn. The way the Japanese can produce so many porn actresses who come and go, the Japanese must be a very liberal people.
Porn is a huge industry in both the US and Japan. Not only do AV companies sell vids and magazines, they sell other merchandise like sex toys and special/kinky contraceptives.
Rather than harassing women, Japanese men can easily buy weird (to our eyes) sex toys to relieve themselves. I've seen blogs of tourists in Japan who took photos of such stuff. It's funny, no doubt, but I think they serve a very practical purpose.
Men who masturbate often are not as interested in romantic relationships as other men, as many guys on 4chan have admitted. Relieve it often, and you won't feel the pull of hot girls as much. If men are less sensitive to physical attraction, then won't the world be a much calmer place? It would be more likely to have close but platonic relationships with members of the opposite sex.
Porn isn't wrong. Just like masturbation isn't.

This advise is simpler. Go out more. Join a club, a society or have another hobby. Stop staying at home and using the computer all day. If all else fails, there's still the chance you may just see this in real life. I think I'll stop fapping for weeks if I actually encounter this sight.

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