I just found a good pair of black patent leather oxfords on Gilt that had my size and only cost US$49!
With the $10 credit I have, the nett price inclusive of shipping was a mere S$79.20!!!
Then I realised I couldn't justify the purchase.
I already have this awesome pair of suede oxfords which can be worn with blazers or khakis, ie works perfectly in both formal and casual events. I could go to a wedding and a BBQ in that pair of shoes!
It was so hard to resist the frickin good deal I deleted the Gilt app from my iPad. So what if I still have the $10 credit that will be expiring next month?
I simply cannot buy anything without a minimal degree of justification.
But it is so hard to forget! S$79.20 is at least S$20 lower than either of my shoe purchases so far!
My heart scream "YES!!" but my mind insists on "No".
I should have thought of this before I started browsing that app daily.
So I just learnt that oxfords and derbys are different. They have basically the same appearance but oxfords have closed lacing (you don't see the tongue between the laces) while derbys have open lacing. This difference makes derbys less formal than oxfords.
Regardless, both can be worn in either formal and casual setting so nothing changes for me. The only difference will solely be in situations where I need to be as formal as possible, in which case oxfords would have been preferable because they're the next best thing after black patent leather dress shoes.
Good thing I do not foresee such a situation arising in the future at all. It's hardly possible that I will need to attend an event more formal than weddings.
Moreover, with a pair of long pants on, it's going to be hard for people to see the type of lacing on my shoe anyway.
Ordered Baja Fresh from Dealivery this week for a dinner. Two chicken burritos and a triple taco set. The tacos came with rice while the meal itself came with a large packet of good nachos (as compared to the stuff they sell in supermarkets) and a lot of dips.
Quality, as in the freshness and all that, is good. Taste, from a carnivore's perspective, is decent at best. Quantity was better than expected, though it was nothing compared what I could have bought from MCD.
Price for this meal was S$51 and it was worth the money. I know I'm unimpressed by the taste but it was undeniably a great way to be almost-vegetarian.
I mean, seriously, the only meat in the entire order was the grilled chicken cubes in the burritos, though these things were huge. One burrito is enough to fill even me.
Except I was so distracted by work in the afternoon I skipped lunch, so I gorged myself that night with the whole packet of nachos that my bro didn't want, one taco and all the rice.
Fantastically healthy, but I overate nonetheless.
The two burritos I got were Baja Chicken and Ultimo Chicken. I took the Baja Burrito and it was all chicken. Or rather, it was 2/3 chicken, 1/3 vegetables including quite a bit of avocado working as some kind of lube to make every cube try desperately to GTFO with my every bite, and all wrapped in the tortilla.
According to my bro, the Ultimo was a lot of rice, some chicken, cheese, and lots of onions and other vegetables.
I'm sticking with Baja next time then.
There is, however, one issue: the order exceeded S$50.
I paid S$51 for this meal!
Next week I'll still order from Baja Fresh, but I'll replace the tacos with another burrito, and that will leave me with a few more dollars for an extra side of beans. Or maybe replace them with a fajita. We'll see.
Fallout 1 and 2 feels so much easier when I'm using this weird stats combo to begin.
In FO2 I used Gifted to add 1 stat point to all of SPECIAL, reduce Perception to the minimum (2), raise Strength to 6 (expecting to get Power Armour to boost 3 points and something else to boost another 1), Endurance to 6, Charisma and Intelligence and Agility to 8, and Luck to 9.
Then I tagged Melee Weapon, Doctor and Speech.
I did something very similar in FO1 too.
Now the games are so easy!
I had played FO3 first before FO1 and 2, so in the past I was using a more Intelligence- and Speech- focused build with very attention on combat.
It works in FO3 and FNV but not in the first 2 games, probably because combat is much tougher there. In FO3, even on the highest difficulty, I can always go to Pipboy at any moment and spam Stimpaks to heal. With enough of those, I'm practically invulnerable!
Not so in FO1 and 2. In these older games, simply going to the inventory during combat costs AP. If I go to my inventory in every turn, I lose 1-2 chances to attack out of my usual maximum of 3. Moreover, everyone gets a turn to move before my turn comes again, so I can't quickly use Stimpaks after receiving a single blow from one enemy like I do in FO3.
However, I have to say that FO1 and 2 aren't very focused on melee weapons either. The bias seems to be in favour of guns, with conventional weapons in the beginning and middle and energy weapons at the end of the game.
With a melee-focused build, the game feels a less interesting because I keep picking up so many guns and ammo that I can't use. Though it just makes life easy since I now have plenty of loot to sell to every merchant I come across, it just feels like the game isn't designed with melee weapons as the main focus.
Still, it makes the game easy. With all the loot I'm picking up, I can easily afford the best armour the merchants I find have to offer.
The thing is that even though my character is practically blind, this handicap doesn't seem to affect his hit probabilities. Apparently it only affects ranged weapons, because at the end of FO1 I was using the Alien Blaster and I couldn't hit an adult mammoth 10 metres away.
Not that there are mammoths in FO1 but it serves to illustrate how awesome his miss rate was beyond point blank range.
Holy crap! Towns 0.50b looks awesome!
I've been neglecting the game since last month because it was getting monotonous, but now I saw these:
The game finally has a real multi-level system now!
It used to be that there's a ground level and the different levels of dungeons, and when you look at each level, you can't see the other levels.
Now, as shown in the first screenshot, you can now see multiple levels at the same time.
In addition, multi-storey buildings are now available!
This game is really fleshing out very well. I'm no longer having any buyer's remorse anymore.
The fact is, there have been times when I thought I had overpaid for such a simple game. I mean, I paid more for this game than I did for the DLCs of the Fallout games.
Just received a 300ml bottle of Lifebuoy Total Protect body wash today. 300ml is pretty huge for a free sample.
The catch is that they only allow 1 bottle per address so my bro couldn't get it. Well, neither could my parents but that's another story :P
The important thing is that it proved that the 10 bottles I recently purchased online weren't imitation goods. I am very sure that this sample was from the company directly, so when it smelled and appeared exactly the same as the ones already in my possession, the matter was settled.
Unilever has yet to get back to me but that's no longer an issue. Whether they ever will isn't important to me anymore either.
However, this means that Lifebuoy has indeed recently adjusted its formulae, hence this online store is able to sell the soap so cheaply.
StanChart pays US$340 million to get out of the mess. I guess that kinda makes sense. Money makes the world go round. The bank regulator saves on all the expenses of a long trial and StanChart can soon pretend this never happened once the public forgets about the headlines it made in the last few days.
I mean, eventually it was going to end in a fine anyway, so this is just an expedited version of it, except the fine is now called a "settlement" and doesn't come with a criminal record.
Just tried using DBS Vickers to buy a Singapore T-bill just now. Only 1, just to see if I'm doing anything wrong. Spend a thousand bucks and chose to use a non-competitive bid, which I think means it will guarantee that I will get it, but the rate will suck.
TBH it will suck anyway. Singapore's so safe the interest rates for lending money to our government is at around 0.25% p.a. in the short term.
It's ridiculous but it's a step above the usual rates of 0.0X% for most savings accounts here.
Getting a little nervous and the pace is picking up. Big event coming next month and I'm not just concerned about whether I'll be able to provide the quantity but also what discounts they will be offering there.
Unfortunately, though they will be having new deals everyday, these will only be advertised on printed newspapers which I no longer subscribe to.
What's so hard about going online for this??
Dammit! You can just get a random student to handle a Facebook page and update it daily throughout the event!
My USB network adaptor died.
Since my iPad can still be used to surf the net, I wasn't motivated enough to go out and get a new one after coming back from work.
Better yet, my bro's gf is a member of Challenger so they could go on a weekend date AND get me an adaptor.
Meanwhile I am typing this part of the rant on the Blogger app on my iPad.
Now I know that the tablet really is a very personal thing. Seriously, I bring it with me wherever I go except when I take my showers, and this incident merely further confirms this.
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