Sunday, 5 August 2012

Rant 1035 / All Those Dust Balls Everywhere.

I have found the key to making cheaper dishes - more gravy = less ingredients and more portions!

The downside is that it's either watery or gooey. It's hard to keep the perfect consistency while storing it in the fridge for days.

Invested $20 in an air purifier after my bro suggested it. He found it on Qoo10 but didn't have any discount coupons so I bought it instead. It's just a $2 discount but it's better than nothing.

This isn't absolutely necessary and can be considered an impulse purchase. Still, it's might help with my allergy so it's not a bad idea at all.

Regardless, I personally vacuumed my room except for the top of the taller wardrobe and my mum's cosmetic drawer. The former was too tall for my vacuum cleaner to reach even with the help of a chair; I was barely able to clean the shorter wardrobe, and that was by pulling it so hard the cleaner was standing on one side and the pipe was directly upwards.

The latter was simply too messy; it was filled with all kinds of tiny stuff including but not limited to: random earrings, pins and needles, safety pins, cotton buds, glass perfume bottles, combs, scissors and etc.

All the metal stuff are kinda rusty, and I really don't want to risk tetanus here.

Someday, I will clear it up. Someday. Perhaps the day I buy some heavy-duty industrial gloves. Preferably steel plated a la medieval style.

Also bought a hammock for $10.40, again with $2 discount. I have quite a few of those coupons and many more $1 ones.

Now that was a totally unnecessary impulse buy, almost to the same degree as the half kg of cherries.

Except the cherries can still be justified by the fact that they're good for the heart, and an overweight man with no CPF living in Singapore can't be too careful about that. Just a minor nose surgery to straighten my nasal septum and shrink the insides of my nose is going to cost $4k.

The hammock, on the other hand, can only be barely justified by the fact that if it works, it can theoretically last longer than a mattress.

As for how to use it, I had come up with a plan before buying it. However, there is no way I can confirm that it will work, so it's yet another reason why this purchase makes me feel guilty.

This is worrisome - it's only the third day of August and I'm already making 2 unnecessary purchases and spent $30.

I'm going to have to make up for it somehow. I may just go semi-vegetarian as often as I can. Fish cakes and random vegetables, all day, everyday. Perhaps with more salt too.

More salt sounds like a good idea.

More gravy, more salt, more vegetables =  more portions, less meat ingredients.

Now considering selling on GMarket.

Also considering buying the seriously cheap term insurance from SAFRA/NTUC Income. $2/month is... almost free, even if it's only till I hit 30. Those rates are so temptingly low.

Realized that even if I live till 90, the sum of all the premiums I paid will not exceed the minimum assured sum of $10,000, which I will definitely get at some point well before the impossible age of 90.

However, I can say the same for lots of term insurance policies I've browsed through, those that have a general estimate of the premium rates displayed on the websites. Even at $40 a month, after 60 years I'd only have paid $28,800.

What I'm saying is that no matter which term insurance policy I buy, I'm definitely not going to lose out on anything in the long run.

The real issue, now that this has been concluded, is what other criteria I should be looking at other than the affordability relative to my incredibly uncertain future income outlook.

The solution to the problem of the fan and the candle is a candle holder/lamp.

I did consider buying one from IKEA but it's over $10 each. Now I think I'll make one from a used bottle.

Also feel like buying pillar candles but I'll leave that for the future.

Man, my wish list on GMarket has gained 3 items in 2 days. Though the actual wish list function in the Qoo10 website doesn't seem to work, I have bookmarked the pages instead.

After all these months of looking at thumbnail galleries of various wholesalers for sweaters, all the frustration has given rise to something that surprises me - I'd rather go to China physically.

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