Saturday, 4 August 2012

Rant 1034 / Why Can't We Have Group Deals For Tax Deductions?


Wanted to go to the Body Shop sale but after looking at the doctor's bill that morning, my wallet just refused to open itself any longer.

I just wanted some facial foam and aromatherapy oils but they're probably too expensive and I can live without either.

Still, I bought three 15ml bottles of oils from Qoo10, formerly known as Gmarket (Singapore). S$13 apiece plus $3 for shipping all of them. Used 2 $1 coupons and a $1 double coupon to basically give myself free shipping but it's still not cheap.

Or rather, I could have got even more discount had I given the system more thought.

For example, with the 6 Q-Stamps in my account, I could have drawn a $2.50-shipping-discount coupon instead of a $1 coupon.

However, the system was also flawed in that it didn't allow purchases of multiple types of the same product if I'm using certain coupons. In my case, each bottle costs $13. I had a $2 coupon that required a minimum purchase of $20. Somehow if I had used this coupon, I must buy 2 bottles of the same fragrance which I didn't want. I even called the customer service hotline but as friendly as the poor girl was (I pity everyone in this line of work) she admitted there was no way around this bullshit.

Therefore I could only use the $1 coupon and the $1 double coupon, a coupon that could be used on top of the normal coupons.

Then I recalled my Q-stamps and looked at what I could use it for. With only 6, I could spent 1 to get the $1 coupon in a non-guaranteed manner (like a lottery but with just that as the sole prize) or 5 to get it for sure. I spent 1, didn't get it, so I spent the other 5 to get it.

With my interest in this sort of thing, I should have been an accountant, but no thanks.

The doctor gave me an allergy test and it was simpler than expected.

Basically the nurse had these tools that have 8 tiny discs, covered in tiny needles, arranged in a 2 X 4 rectangle. These discs were also covered in liquids, apparently containing something from different creatures.

One set had moulds, one set had pollens, one set had insect and one set was the control. Or at least those are all that I can remember. I figured from the entire thing that they used common bugs and stuff for the test, since it's kinda ineffective to test for everything under the sun.

The nurse did the test by pressing these tools into my forearm. The control set would definitely cause swelling in order to prove that I didn't take any medicine that could reduce allergic reactions like antihistamine.

I had to wait for half an hour to let them swell. In the meantime I had to wait and resist the itch. I'm so glad I had my modem and iPad with me.

The result was that I'm allergic to just cockroaches and dust mites. Not sure why cockroaches but dust mites made more sense. Apparently I can develop allergies through long exposure to irritants, and dust mite feces, which are air-borne, are one type of that.

It made sense because my home is very dusty. There are lots of places that haven't been cleaned in years, like the top of cupboards and etc.

Cockroaches, on the other hand, was a puzzle. They rarely get into my home, and only in my kitchen and the attached bathroom there since we aren't that hygienic.

In fact I haven't seen a cockroach at home in years, although the nurse mentioned that they could come into my room to feed on food scraps at night. It's possible since I eat in my room, although ants are the symptoms I look out for to tell me that I've been leaving bits of food on the floor. So far, no ants.

In addition, it means life gets hard when the government sends people to fog my neighbourhood with special insecticide. They do that occasionally to attempt genocide on the local fauna, and it really works on the cockroaches because dead ones cover the pavements everywhere after each fogging.

In this situation, the nurse warned me that particles from the crushed bugs could get airborne and trigger an allergic reaction, so I should stay at home or move quickly.

In the meantime, after cleaning my home I could also get anti-dust-mite bed covers and whatever for my bed. That, I'm not enthusiastic about.


My shoes arrived!

They look like low-cut boots  but are considered oxfords by the manufacturer.

Whee! Now I don't have to worry about rainy mornings.

In addition, the tags and labels suggest it's water-resistant! Woot!

And the sole says "OIL RESISTANT". Not that I need it but that's a nice bonus.

The only issue I have with it is that it looks horrible with white socks, and most of my socks are white on top.

White socks look less terrible on my brown suede, but this black leather is definitely no.

Time to get some more dark blue and black socks from the budget store downstairs. I only have two pairs of dark blue and no black.

Ok I think I can beat X: Beyond the Frontier soon but it really depends on how much grinding I can handle.

Grinding in this game is just trading, except the main activity in trading anything is moving around.

And it's boring, hence the term "grinding".

I just want to beat this game and see how the story unfolds, since it's pretty short.

Most of the game is about trade. I can set up factories and mines and practically create an economy, except that's not necessary. Most of the time, I can just supplement what is insufficient in the existing economy in the sector to make money.

Cherries are so fragile. I just bought half a kg of some really fresh cherries yesterday afternoon and left it in the fridge. This evening when I ate them, lots of them were had broken skins as if they had burst.

It's clear why they cost $10 per half kg; the people involved in the whole growing and shipping process really earned that money.

Maybe the bursting was from the cold, or maybe it was from soaking in water for around an hour. The ones with broken skins were mostly at the bottom where they could have been soaking in water I had rinsed it in immediately after I took them out from the fridge.

If staying wet for just an hour can do that to cherries, I can't imagine the kind of climate control they have to have in the whole shipping process to bring perfect cherries to the fruit vendor.

Ok, when do the sales begin? I want a frickin harem for Christmas.

Except for the warehouse/clearance sales. Not those, not for this.

Nice! My oils arrived on the same day as the shoes!

And I have to say I really respect these guys from Eurasia, the delivery company, for working at 9pm on a Friday night. In contrast, I didn't even go to work today.

At the moment I'm using the classic Lavender, which I can recognize, and it smells right, so all is fine for now.

I only wonder what Kenzo and Autumn are like. Tomorrow. One at a time.

As for how I'm using it, I recently found an old ceramic burner aka diffuser my mum used to use years ago in the recycling bag after my bro somehow found it and decided it was trash. I couldn't find her bottles so I had to buy these new ones.

It's pretty worn, with cracking paint on the reservoir and black char marks in some of the decorative vents in the part where the tealight is supposed to go.

But it's perfectly functional.

Now my room smells nice.

Candles are also fascinating to me, mostly because the flame is kinda mesmerizing. The problem is that I cannot live without switching on my fan, so admiring it can only happen when I'm lighting a candle or tealight as I turn off my fan temporarily for that.

I did have some concern for the safety issues regarding a candle on my desk, but then I realized I didn't have to worry - it's one of the perks of having the bathroom in my room.


Was running out of rice but Shop N Save isn't running any promotion for 10kg rice other than the branded stuff. Took some time but eventually decided on the house brand, the cheapest rice available at $18.35 ($16.95 for me for some reason, maybe for being a PAssion card member).

Let's see how this goes.

I only wonder how long the rice can be stored unopened. I'm going to try buying 2-3 bags of them the next time there's a big discount like the last time I bought rice.

I've been trying to reuse wax from used candles since there's so much of it left after the wick burns out.

The way I do it is to put the wax from one used tealight into the new tealight I'm going to use, but this simply drowns the wick near the end, causing even more wax to be left behind.

Now that I've googled it, there's a solution, but only for a pretty large amount of wax.

However, that's still a feasible solution.

This guide also shows how I can make a wick with just a piece of string. Before, I had the impression that wicks need to be soaked in a fire retardant to work but I guess a string works too. I don't know, I'm new to this candle thing.

Basically I dip the string in wax, let it dry straight, pour some wax onto the bottom of the container for making the candle, and let the string stand on it for a while.


Ok I tried coating a piece of string in wax by dipping it and letting it stand in a pool of molten wax.

The problem is keeping the wick standing. It just bends, falls, and drowns in the pool of wax.

Kenzo smells familiar. Very feminine. Can't recall what smells like that but that's the feeling I'm getting.

Damn! I accidentally placed an ore mine on a silicon-rich asteroid in X:BtF!

Now I can't remove it because the only way to do so is to destroy it and my weaponry is too weak to overcome its repair rate.

It was a 51-yield silicon asteroid! Most asteroids are around 25 or below!

I'm getting these bumps on my palms from the dumbbells yet I don't see any difference in the rest of my upper limbs.

Still, who said working out takes a long time to have visible results?

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