Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Rant 1043 / Beacuse

DX:HR was an excellent game that had no issue. It's problem was that it had nothing outstanding in a positive way either. It's a great game, though not as epic as ME3 (sans the ending), but there's really nothing that would make me want to play it over and over again.

Like anyone who sees Tibbers walking around will live long enough to dial that number.

That debate between Sylvia Lim and Shanmugam is moot and I think both of them recognized this.

The reason is simply because both sides have correct logic that is based on different assumptions.

All logic is based on a set of assumptions, and when the problem lies in those foundations, arguing is pointless.

Lim's stance seems to be that Wu's sentence was too light, while Shanmugam was trying to say that the sentence was consistent with similar cases in the past.

A major point in this debate:

Should a man's sentence be proportional to his crime or his social status?

The legal system is founded on the ideal that all man is equal. Justice is blind, yes?

So in the eyes of the law, the former is right - a convict should only be judged by the magnitude of his deed(s).

However, there are people who seem to be arguing that the wealthier a person is, the tougher his sentence should be. To these people, there is no equality between the social elites and the average joe, hence their opinion.

That is the very assumption that is different from that which the legal system is based on.

The way the legal system works is that sentences and rulings are almost always based on preceding similar cases, hence the judges' decisions in new types of cases are known as "landmark decisions" - they basically set the standards for all future cases that involve the same elements. In fact I believe law students have to study a lot of these cases in their curriculum, because that's what I had to read through for that one semester of basic law I took at UniSIM.

That is why Shanmugam's repeated quotes of past cases made sense - that's how things work in their world.

IMO he recognized this immediately and believed that Lim, as a fellow lawyer (heck, she was a law professor until recently!), should also know this, therefore her motives for asking those questions might have been more about taking the populist stance than for actually believing that the sentence was not right, which in turn led to him asking her to "leave politics out of it".

Of course, I'm just a simple layman and there might have been more to it than I could comprehend.
Also, I'm not saying which assumption right. Both lead to very sound reasonings and both are unfair in some ways. I could take a stance and say that the legal system is unfair, but what's the point?

Legs' been aching for two days since I started doing lunges with my dumbbells.

It's only 10 per set, and by 10 I mean 5 per leg.

I didn't know I've been neglecting my legs so much they ache after the 20 lunges on the first night.

Of course I didn't do any cooldown stretching, and clearly I've either underestimated the difficulty of lunges or overestimated myself.

But I can't stop. It's currently the only lower-body exercise that interests me.

I've been adjusting my workouts whenever I find it boring. The resistance bands were one but now I've reduced it to just bicep curls. The same two bands are way too difficult for upright rows and I don't want to have to remove and replace one of the bands for every set, so I've reverted back to using dumbbells for that.

The side raises are getting easier; I can sometimes do 10 per set, though generally I still stick with 5 unless I don't feel tired by the fifth rep, which happens if I've been doing some significant physical work beforehand like lugging 10-15kgs of groceries from the market. Now every single raise I do is perfect and without pain.

I can totally tell that there's a difference and it's not even a month yet. Normally by the time I bring the 10 chicken breasts and two large bags of vegetables home, I'd be too tired to raise the bags up to the table, so I'd either be raising it with a trembling arm or with both hands on each bag.

This didn't happen the last time I went to the market. In fact, the entire trip felt like a good warmup for the workout I went on to do after arranging everything neatly in the freezer and fridge.


Nothing's visible yet but the feel is definitely there.

Nevertheless, this is nothing compared to my bro. Then again, he's been working out since he went to his unit back during NS.

I'd do it, although I'm sure Google has already thought of this already.

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