Sunday, 8 April 2012

Rant 971 / Imba Sven

Whoa! My separate orders of screen protectors for my phone, routers and a few other items got shipped before my large order of iPad accessories.

Do they prefer to handle smaller orders?

I'll keep that in mind next time. Perhaps I'll turn it into several smaller orders, grouping them such that they're as close to the dollar as possible to get as many points as I can.

Some of those redeemable rewards look pretty good although most of them are out of stock, like the micro-SD cards.

OMG! I didn't know I can set a time for the deliveries of my goods! My mum never did that so I thought maybe that was the fastest they could do it.

Yesterday after I tried to set an earlier time than normal for one shipment and a later time for another, the supplier told me I could just tell them when I want my stuff shipped.

Obviously I then asked why my mum never did that, and he just laughed and said that was how she handled things.

I don't really know what he meant but what's important is that I CAN NOW MANAGE MY SHIPMENTS PROPERLY!!!


I've just unwrapped my iPad.

My screen protector and casing have yet to be shipped from DX but I have no choice - dust was getting under the wrapper.

The pristine screen!

How gorgeous!

The back casing is so smooth, so polished. Feels so... $600-ish.

This could very well be the last time I see it as pristine as it is. Got to stare at it more...

Ok my fingers have touched it. It's no longer pristine. Time to move on.

The iPad is so worth the money. It's great in every way to me right now except for one thing - I don't like the feel of rubbing my fingertips on the glossy screen. Unfortunately I have to do a lot of it when I multi-task.

Filed my income tax for the first time. It was simple because the accountant did all the bookkeeping for me. I just had to type some numbers into some blanks.

During the process, I also realized that I could make claims for my university tuition fees and my life insurance premiums. For the tuition fees, I could claim up to S$5,500, but I didn't check the latter.

None of that actually matters though because I made a loss last year and I'm techically still in the red now.

But I'm going to have to keep a lot of receipts for the rest of the year.

DotA 2 is unbalanced. Ursa, Sven and Invoker in particular are severely OP. For the first two, I've seen players who can start raping their AI lane opponents alone before the first wave of creeps arrive at the spot.


I'm not sure about what the Ursa bought but I've partnered with this Sven who just bought a pair of basic Boots and two pairs of Gloves, took his stun as his first skill, rushed out to the bottom lane and just went all the way till he encountered the enemies and attacked the heroes.

That guy only died once in the entire match because we kinda abandoned him in the enemy base, but he ended up with First Blood, Beyond Godlike (it was a "HOLY SHIT" spam throughout the round) and over 40 kills versus a single death.

If that's not OP, nothing is.

Same for Ursa, except I helped him in the beginning, and he soloed Roshan just like all Ursas do.

The Invoker was OP in the later part of the game. By late game he was camping in front of the fountain by himself and required no help from the rest of us at all. In fact he wasn't even losing HP overall.

OP as fuck? OP as fuck.

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