Saturday, 7 April 2012

Rant 968 / Knight Of Flours

Three minutes of great wisdom!

This is mind-blowing! Why haven't I ever thought about that?

Tried some DotA 2. With Necrolyte available, things were awesome.

I just like how this guy only has 2 active abilities, so that things are very simple on my end.

This game is really just an improved version of DotA. Seriously, no major game mechanic has been changed IMO.

But I've only played against bots so my opinion may not be completely accurate.

The only complaint I have is the lag spike. I don't know what they're using for servers over at Valve for this game but surely they have to be running on hamster power literally because the spikes just keep coming.

Overall, nice game so far except for the lag spikes.

Good thing I'm playing against bots only.


I have no idea how to advance so I'm taking things slow.

Food is now a problem - it's become an eyesore.

They call me... the Knight of Flours.

All those things are bags of flour that aren't being turned into bread because I'm tired of clicking on the Add button to raise the bread limit.

It's currently at 450.

So yea, food's not quite a problem.

Right now the plan is to let things run on their own and once in a while when the population reaches the limit (set solely by my enthusiasm in building new homes) I turn half the town into soldiers and let them rampage through the underground dungeon as far as they can.

With a mix of bone and wooden armour, I'm barely able to clear half the goblin leaders and giant spiders down at level 3.

Still, it doesn't matter. I have plenty of time when I just let it run in the background.


Oh shit they all just died after 2 hours and I have no idea why. The log doesn't show the reason because one person got bugged and kept attacking the Werepig that never dies.

The last save was over 3 hours ago. Bleh.

I don't know how "pink slime" is supposed to be so epicly gross (it reminds me of batter) and, perhaps even unhealthy to some people, but right now this report also tells everyone that the ammonium hydroxide is also present in many other food products.

The meat industry has been trying to raise awareness of other foods that contain ammonia, in response to what it has characterized as an unfair attack on a safe and healthy product.

For example, ammonia compounds are used as leavening agents in baked goods and as an acidity controller in cheese and sometimes chocolate.

Not surprising.

Seriously, the people who should be surprised at this are the retarded consumers who never read the labels AND assume that everything is as they appear to be.

Most likely, they have also never wondered what flavourings really are in products that don't claim to use "natural flavourings".


A teacher once told me a lot of those are actually forms of plastics. Since they're indigestible, they're perfectly safe for human consumption.

Further googling of this topic led to an expansion of this answer. Artificial flavourings are made from processed chemicals extracted from, among other things, coal tar.

Coal tar is a thick liquid by-product of coal carbonization, a process that produces coke and coal gas.

Campbell Soup Co did not respond to repeated requests for comment.

LOL! The idea that led to Campbell's success was a way to turn a large bowl of soup into a can of goo. Clearly, from this lack of response, it wasn't just about distillation.

I can't trust anyone, can I?


I was warned and I see it now.

Most people don't hesitate in cheating me even though they're aware of my mother's recent death. They speak in a gentle tone and tell me that I could go to them if I need help, but how naive I was to think I could believe any of it.

Even the people who have been in the trade for decades and talk like they know everything, their words must be taken with a pinch of salt.

If there's anyone reading this and is working as an middle or lower level employee, be glad you're there. Those guys whom you think are making a fortune so easily at the top, they are dealing with very different world.

That's the impression I get when I think about my employees.

Their problems are so simple, so clearly defined, and so are the solutions.

Such was the life I thought I'd have too. Just listen to my mum, go to school, get a degree, get a job, listen to my boss and that's about it. 

Schoolwork problems? Everything's in the books.

Work problems? Tool are provided by the company.

It's clear that's not the life I'm to live, although even if I were given a choice, I wouldn't go back.

TBH it's no fun being a little minnow in the big ocean. 

Then again, there's no such thing as a life without problems when the act of living by itself is a constant string of problems.

If we didn't have to eat, drink and fuck we would have no problem.

Now that I think about it, we'd probably still have problems.

Such is life.

I just don't get why I avoid it. Why is there this subtle feeling of repulsion for reasons I do not see?

I also don't get why everyone automatically assumes I'm going to expand and make more money when they hear that I run a small business.

What if my aim isn't to make millions?

What if my aim is merely a small improvement over the status quo?

If I tell them that will it blow their mind?

No, I don't want brain matter splattered all over my face.

The thing is that I don't want a car and I don't need to pay for a new house. Neither am I interested in travelling, drinking, smoking or whatever. I think that latter part is pretty clear in this blog. Moreover, I don't think it's a good idea for me to frequent buffet restaurants anymore.

In other words, I do not have any form of significant recurring debt payments in my life right now other than the ones for food, transport and other daily necessities. Oh, and insurance. Almost forgot about that.

Neither do I need to plan for a long post-retirement life unless they come up with a cure for cancer and make it available to the public within about 25 years. Looking at the history of medical advances in the last few decades, that's not very likely to happen.

A bachelor in a financial situation like this won't need a huge income at all, so there's no reason I'd work very hard except to maintain my current income.

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