Saturday, 7 April 2012

Rant 970 / Wasteland 2

The Yale-NUS College passes a resolution that might as well be a protest.

The first line reads:

We, the Yale College Faculty, express our concern regarding the history of lack of respect for civil and political rights in the state of Singapore, host of Yale-National University of Singapore College.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't support the idea of forcing a democratic change on any country. I mean, look at what democracy did to Africa and various countries of Asia. I feel that it's the inherent cultural differences that stops democracy from working the way it should in these parts of the world.

My point is, democracy does not work for everyone. TBH it doesn't really work for the US either. Their two-party system really stretches the meaning of being democratic. How do you actually represent millions of people when there are only two viewpoints that you're allowed to support?

“This is a set-back for Levin’s vision of Yale… because of some likely negative reaction from Singapore,” said political science lecturer Jim Sleeper, husband of philosophy and political science lecturer Seyla Benhabib who proposed the resolution last month in a blog commentary.

He added that “everyone [in the meeting] understood the resolution's passage as a vote of ‘no confidence’ in the growing corporatisation and centralisation of governance and liberal education at Yale.”

In a short column posted on Yale Daily News prior to Friday’s meeting, Benhabib also defended her resolution as one to “express faculty dissatisfaction … with Yale’s collaboration with a government that severely constricts human rights, civil liberties and academic freedom but also with the administration’s decision-making process … that should have been decided by a vote of the Yale faculty — if indeed Yale’s name is to be attached to the college in Singapore at all.”

It is sad because of what it implies.

Some people here paid them a lot of money to come here, and the faculty members aren't happy about that.

Wealth solves all social problems. This particular problem just requires an additional dose of Wealth.

I'm surprised that someone would admit to that. Don't they have to sign some form of non-disclosure agreement or something?

You know why they call The Old Republic the TORtanic?

 Because it was expected to fare as well as it does now.

They're throwing so many free trials at us even though it's been released for 4 months.

It's only a matter of time before they announce that they're free-to-play with an ingame store, and even then I won't be trying it.

Now that Wasteland 2 has hit 2.1 million bucks with 9 days remaining, I'm beginning to get worried that there are tens of thousands of backers who don't know what they're really supporting.

Played a bit of Wasteland and it turned out to be really quite different from Fallout 1 and 2. Apparently the similarities lie in the plot and setting.

It's still pretty good but it wasn't what I thought it would be, and this made me think about what the other backers are thinking about this game especially when no screenshot was posted for Wasteland 2.

Moreover, Wasteland 2 is going to be almost the same as the original game so it's going to be very, very classic in appearance.

This is Wasteland 1.

I just hope this doesn't end badly for everyone.

In short, I know what I'm getting... do they?

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