Thursday, 5 April 2012

Rant 967 / The Belief That I Am Right Is Based On The Fact That Nothing And No One Has Convinced Me Otherwise.

What is not forbidden is allowed. Same logic.

Without a good 3G router that can last a long time, I think I'm going to have to scrap my plans to switch to using VOIP from normal phones.

That's probably the same reason why relatively few have done so at all despite the prices.

Those routers I'm buying only last 4 hours at most. Useful for me under normal circumstances but with regular use I have no idea how long they're going to last within a year.

I'll do some experimenting when they arrive.

2 more weeks.

Due to the lack of space, I'm trying harder to get as much stuff out into the stores as I can.

Today I'm sending out the same amount of goods as I do in good months.

It's only the beginning of April, nothing is happening other than a relatively minor sale at one of the stores. The Great Singapore Sale is still a whole month ahead.

Bleh. I just hope they don't throw it back at me next month. That would seriously suck.

Oh well, at least this means I have at least 4 designs to surprise the buyers just before the GSS without having to do anything for the time being simply because I CANNOT UNPACK SHIT IN THE CRAMPED SPACE REMAINING IN MY OFFICE!!!!

As for the sale, it's at the one near the mall that sells electronics. Obviously only people who know who I'm selling to would know where I'm describing, but then again it's not like Singapore has that many such malls.


No seriously, you've got to thank the belief of God's existence for this Thursday because it's the only thing that is making Friday a public holiday.

Zombie Jesus Day. I'm starting to see the appeal of the religion there.

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