So I've learnt that you cannot easily transfer a hard disk with an OS from one PC to another. Due to the massive differences in drivers, it most likely will not work. However it can still be used as a hard drive, though all the programmes inside will need to be reinstalled.
It's been raining since early morning today, Still very cloudy and raining now at 1pm.
Best weather ever.
For anyone who isn't going out, that is.
That includes myself.
It's so cool I don't even need my fan at times, which is rare.
The only thing that's ruining the ambience atm is the contractor who's obviously trying to rush his job so that he doesn't have to return during Chinese New Year.
Fucker's been drilling on a Sunday morning. Now that's what I call desperation.
This computer is so quiet I could sleep easily while it's on. I wonder if it was the same for the old computer when it was brand new.
There is a large difference between the two computers' fans. The old one had a 120mm fan on the front, back, right and left. This new casing has a 120mm fan on the back, and a 200mm fan on the top and front. The left panel (when the front is facing me) also has a slot for another 120 or 140mm fan. I think I should put a filter there.
It doesn't stop raining. The closest it got to stopping today was a light drizzle. Fortunately there's no wind so I can open my windows some.
File transfer rate from the old HDD to the new reached 63MB/s while copying the entire ME2 folder over. Also heard a tiny bit of rumbling from the HDDs during the process. Maybe it's just that quiet in my room since my fan isn't on. Or maybe it's a bad sign.
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