Saturday, 15 January 2011

Rant 702 / H4X

Secret Asian Man!

Someone in Empires voiced his suspicion to me that a certain player was wallhacking, so I stayed up much longer than before to watch that player and record 5 games from his point of view.

The first game was fruitless because everything he did could be explained. However in the next 4 games there were 7 instances that I thought were evidences of a wallhack. During these 7 times he either appeared to watch someone through walls or killed someone he couldn't have seen.

So I downloaded Dropbox, zipped the 4 files (aka "demos") and placed the 30MB zip file in the Public Folder.

Next I completed the player report post in the server's forum and posted it together with the link to the file.

The reason I didn't just ban him was because

1) I've never seen anyone wallhack before, hence I might have been mistaken. Stranger, more inexplicable things have happened.

2) My admin level is too low to give permabans.

So it's 11.30pm right now. If it stays this way, it will be great. This is within the optimal time period for my sleep to begin for the rest of the semester.

Anyway Dropbox is pretty cool. With a free account, I can have 2GB of space in which I can place any file and with the proper link only I can give, these files can be retrieved even by people who don't have the Dropbox client and when I'm offline.

How does it work?

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