Monday, 24 January 2011

Rant 710 / Push The Tempo!! Push The Tempo!! Push The Tempo!! Push The Tempo!! Push The Tempo!! Push The Tempo!! Push The Tempo!!

My PC problems never seem to stop. Just now at about 9.30am my computer rebooted itself while I was playing ME2. But it stopped at a black screen after the initial loading screen telling me to insert a boot media.

Hard disk problem.

I rebooted to look at the initial screen again. Holy shit! SATA 2, ie where the the hard drive was supposed to be at, was "Not Detected".

That was bad. Worse than before, in fact.

This time I pushed the correct connectors at the hard disk drive. The last few times I had been pushing the ones for the DVD drive. I hardly use it so I'd completely forgotten I had a DVD drive whenever I open up my computer. Anyway this time I had to open up the panel on the other side to see the cables at the back of my hard disk.

I pushed them in really hard.

And when I rebooted again, it was all okay.

How did it loosen itself? I haven't dropped or even knocked on the computer at all recently.

At this rate, I'm going to be able to build a PC on my own. I just need to buy that special glue for the heat sink and I can probably do it. On second though, I'm not rich enough to play around with over a thousand dollars' worth of hardware.

I just realized ME2 has a level cap of 30. No wonder I can never seem to get that 1 skill point that I need to get lvl3 Overload even after completing every single side mission I can possibly find before going for the Reaper IFF.

So now I've got 2 extra points but I don't feel like I need them. On the other hand, some of the other guys do need to be retrained. Fortunately I've got like 80k eezo despite researching everything including the unnecessary medical bay upgrade.

Today we're worrying about the human population overtaxing our planet's resources. When the next generation grows up, the whole world will be worrying about what the developed countries today worry about - the greying population. After that, I believe, things will stabilize.

From this, it can be deduced that the global population is still adapting to what started out as the Industrial Revolution. This conclusion changed my impression of the impact of that event on the world.

Anyway people in my generation should really worry about their retirement funds. The world's population is going to explode further in the next 2-3 decades despite the dropping of birth rates. I personally don't think that, for Singaporeans, our CPF is going to be enough whatever the sum.

In contrast, our children's generation are likely going to have an easy time when they grow old.

That mystery relative replied to my question saying he/she knew me before birth and had carried me when I was a baby.

The problem with this answer is that it was too vague. I think everybody on my mother's side of the family tree who was alive then had carried me, except a few.

This time it was even more awkward to ask him/her IMO.

It's not the exercise that I hate but the warming up. Same with thinking. I just dislike the revving up of my brain and body. I really don't mind just staying relaxed and not thinking.

Cities XL! It's like Simcity 3000 but easier on the newbies. I like how the tutorials aren't really necessary if you already have experience with SimCity. They accomplished this by locking up everything and giving you more tools/buildings gradually as your population increases. But they couldn't possibly have spent all that time making an elaborate tutorial for nothing, so I'm pretty sure it can help a lot if you're willing to endure all that reading. Me, I spent half an hour stuck on one objective in which I spent 99% of my cash making the longest single stretch of residential zone ever to exist. Then I quit and started a new game.

I'm only on my first map and has just got enough people to build a Fire Station, so I'm still quite new. I have no idea what I'm getting next and what buildings are really unnecessary. It's entirely possible that I've been building certain structures way too early since I almost got bankrupt at one point due to too much maintenance costs. Now I'm making 10k a day but my retail sector is in very bad shape (and has been since the beginning). Too much production they say. I don't know how to make their goods sell better other than by building more houses.

After years of blogging I've noted quite a number of irregular verbs that have the same past and present tenses. For example, I just used "quit" in the part of the blog directly above this. The past tense of "quit" is still "quit" although some dictionaries do use "quitted". However "quitted" cannot be used when it does not mean "to leave". "He quitted the job," is correct but "He quitted smoking," is wrong.

To keep it simple, I think people should just stick with "quit" all the time. I mean, all those irregular verbs are hard enough to memorise already, so why makes things even more complicated?

Also, another word, which I had used yesterday, is "shut".

Blogging definitely improved my English. I wish the same can be said for my Chinese.

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