Red underwear for good luck being sold by enterprising street hawkers in Penang.
All "if this year we use rabbit-derived products, then next year we'll use snakes" arguments got cliche some centuries before yesterday, so I'll skip those.
So why aren't they using rabbit-leather?
I want to see a rabbit leather thong with an actual preserved/stuffed rabbit head covering the genital area. Would give a whole new meaning to the phrase," giving someone a head".
And bring good luck to the wearer.
Then if, say, the head is able to open its mouth...
It would be the most sickest unisex thong ever created.
So the Caviar Blue is slower. I can't get it out of my mind. This arrangement just doesn't feel right to me. The only reason I'm using a slower hard disk for everything and a faster one for storage is because of a mistake and the rather feeble excuse that the slower HDD is newer.
Therefore I need to plan what to do now.
New general goal: Use the Caviar Black HDD as the OS drive.
Issue: Has all my old stuff inside and is partitioned.
Solution: Copy *.* into Caviar Blue HDD. Apparently removing partitions can be a risky procedure and I'm a complete noob at PC stuff, so I'll let it be. I'll use one partition for the OS and all the work-related stuff like Office and the other partition exclusively for games. Going to be troublesome though whenever I install games.
This procedure will be even more time-consuming than preparing a brand new PC due to the need to copyt everything from the old HDD to the new. At a rate of 63MB/s and a total of 335GB of data, that's (335,000)/ (63) seconds = 5317.46 seconds = roughly 89 minutes = almost 1.5 hours.
This does not take into account how the file transfer rate may drop as the new HDD approaches max capacity and the absence of the humongous Windows folder which is very pointless to copy over.
I should probably do this now before I go for class, then come back to format both drives.
After that, I'll install Vista on one partition.
Finally, after I'm comfortable with not using the folder of backup data, I'll delete everything there.
After class now. Copying a few episodes of Chuck (Season 3) to watch while I have my supper and wait.
Today I encountered something that affirmed my belief that Singapore does need foreigner workers more than we dare to admit.
It's 2 days from CNY yet many workers are as good as on strike. It's not just my mum's business that's affected (all her workers are already staying home and had rushed all the goods like mad during the past few days); the transport business she employs also had manpower problems.
She had originally booked a slot at about 10.30am this morning. This meant they would send someone to her office at that time to pick up the goods. We got there late (I had to help her carry stuff) past 11am, then we waited for another half an hour while we prepared an area for the offerings (standard pre-CNY ritual).
At almost 11.30am she called the boss's wife (it's also a small business like ours and how we knew them is another story for another time) and insisted that they send someone over because I had class at 2.30pm and I couldn't help her carry stuff before I leave if they did not clear the office of the boxes of goods before then. Right. This is but a tiny example of how and why people lie in the world of business. I had class much later than that but we were simply impatient.
Furthermore, she was quite familiar with the couple so that helped too. Long story.
Anyway the boss himself came over within half an hour, explaining that his only worker has gone back to Malaysia already. No idea what happened to his other worker. There was only a chuckle when she asked.
On an unrelated note, there's actually a certain way to stack boxes so that you can have them almost touching the top of the door frame on a trolley and they still would not collapse easily.
Also, while he was pushing the trolleys out, we were concerned they might fall out of the building when he was pushing them along the corridor. That was when he confided in us that it actually happened once elsewhere. The box smashed a car and he had to pay over a thousand dollars as compensation. Moral of the story: never fuck around with filled cardboard boxes.
Back to the topic, this is why we need more foreign workers and not just Chinese ones. If both of them had hired Malay or Indian workers, things would have gone smoothly today. Not to mention racial harmony is important.
Lab-grown meat! I'd once thought about that but discarded the idea immediately when it appeared close to impossible.
But here we are, with meat successfully created without the rest of the animal. IMO if it tastes the same, there is no reason to care if it used to be part of a four-legged mammal. Heck, I'm very sure you can't tell the difference if it was all grounded up and made into a hamburger.
Examples of how that would work already exist, including corned beef.
I'm completely supportive of this if it means cheaper food. It's better than the other alternative that some scientists are looking at. Hint: 6 legs.
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