Saturday, 14 March 2009

Rant 323 / F@H - Soothing My Conscience Since 2009

Baby rapes!

South Africa really has some f*cked up sh*t going on there! And you'd think that Europe and America are pretty bad what with all those killing sprees and school shootings. Btw this is from 2001.

"Two men are due to appear at a court in Johannesburg on Tuesday, accused of raping a five-month-old girl who was discovered covered in blood and in tears."

This isn't all.

"Rape statistics from South Africa are so shocking as to be almost unbelievable - women's rights activists say one South African is raped every 26 seconds."

Isn't this mind-blowing? I shat bricks! South African women are raped more regularly than any of us change our underwears. I totally prefer seeing genocides to this sort of depravity - at least those victims don't have to live with the traumatising memories of what was done to them.

Baby rapes are insane! Mentally it's just as f*cked up as if they were raped when they were older, but physically it's much worse.

Don't forget - people of African descent have the largest average penis size among the 3 major racial groups (African, Caucasion and Asian). If you imagine the size of an erect penis that you've probably seen in porn flicks, and compare it with the size of a baby, you can probably guess what happens if the penis is F*CKING INSIDE THE BABY!

Victims of such abuse have to go through major surgeries to repair their internal organs, if they survive. So it's worse than raping females in any other age groups.

But those men believe that having sex with a virgin cures their AIDS. And you thought eating deer penis (traditional Chinese medicine) was ridiculous? It'd be much better if they believe that eating animal penis cures AIDS (elephant penis lolz). Such a method of harming animals would still be the lesser evil.

Just tried watching my 8-episode Naruto marathon just now on Crunchyroll. This was my first time using Crunchyroll.

What I like:
- fast, just like DB
- good subbing, just like DB
- excellent loading speed

What I dislike:
- noticeably poor (but still good enough) quality unless I'm a member
- poor FPS (frame per second) when I have 4 consecutive episodes opened on 4 tabs
- Naruto sucks, these days
- the most recent episode is only available for members, which really tempts me to join

So I've only watched a single episode, mostly because of the poor FPS that makes watching the anime really annoying. The most my comp seems to be able to handle is 3 episodes.

The Bleach marathon was good except for the first 2 episodes which were about the boring soccer match.

I feel good when I lose in DotA during school term. It means I haven't been playing enough. Thinking positively, ya?

Whenever I see those "lonely" threads on 4chan in which the posters would moan about how lonely they are and how they don't have any friends (most are probably trolls), I keep thinking about how similar my situation would have been if I hadn't joined the Toastmasters Club.

Seriously, I don't talk much in campus and I don't actually use Windows Messenger for chatting. I don't chat.

One of my friends was actually surprised when he found out that I'm a Toastmaster, which totally makes sense because I'm just not that kind of guy you would expect to join a club that's all about public speaking.

Even in the club, I have difficulty making small talk with guests we invite from other clubs. I'm only able to converse with NTU students because we have something in common. With the working adults old enough to be my father, I have nothing to talk about. The last time I was left alone with a complete stranger (who was in his fifties), I was tongue-tied. Fortunately for me he sensed that and told me not to let him stop me from doing whatever I was doing. And fortunately I was supposed to set up stuff for our meeting.

I also realized I'm extremely poor at solving problems that crop up at the last minute during my time in the club. It was just like my army days when sudden sh*t that no one would ever expect suddenly cropped up and I got stunned, except that I had my superior officers to help me then. An example would be the one time our driver crashed his vehicle into a pillar. He was just beginning to accelerate but it was going downa gentle slope and apparently the brakes didn't work. No one was hurt, but it occured at the entrance of the building so everyone knew about it.

I was the team IC then, and I had absolutely no idea how to deal with that, so I just called my officer and asked for help.

Now, things are different. I don't have anyone over me. Technically there are but in practice no one cares about rank. When unexpected problems crop up we help each other, but its mostly they helping me while I'm unable to help them.

Makes me feel helpless, but I don't seem to be able to adapt to sudden changes quick enough. Even for conversations, I prefer to have them online and through texting, because they give me time to think before I respond.

This is why I don't see myself as a leader. The ability to deal with sudden problems is a prerequisite for leadership, as I see it. Some people are very smooth, very resourceful. If they get promoted over me despite my having more experience, I'd be completely okay with that. Sometimes, some people just aren't meant to do certain things.

I know there are millions of people who believe that if they work hard they can achieve anything, but there are jobs that require more than just diligence. Organizing a simple event, for example. Throughout my experience in organizing stuff and watching other people do it, I notice that last minute problems always happen just before the event begins. Such problems can be anything - food caterers got lost, a microphone was missing after the event, someone given a vital role that day fell sick and etc.

In such times, I look for help from anyone who seems to have idea, mostly my seniors. Now I'm going to be a senior myself soon, and that is not a comforting thought. Sooner or later I'm going to have to organize a major event myself. I just hope I can remain calm enough when the need arises.

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