Saturday, 7 March 2009

Rant 319 / There Are Rants And Then There Are Rants.

Combat in the first two Fallout is so hard! They're even harder than those Baldur's Gate 2. Those bloody geckos I've been fighting seem to have permanent Steel Skin casted on them or something.

It's starting to feel like all Western RPGs from the 2D Age were very combat-oriented, forcing players to spend most of their time trying to level up just to be able to handle the combat. And I've only been playing on Normal difficulty throughout. Am I supposed to grind on random encounters in the field the way I used to do in Japanese RPGs???

If so, why was it so easy in Planescape: Torment? Okay, maybe in that game I was forced to use the pre-determined stats, which were focused on Strength and stuff, basically a Fighter class guy.

Perhaps I really should forget about Charisma in the 2 Fallout games. Fighting seems to solve most problems anyway.

So, this is pretty bad. Here I am going "Blah blah blah," about it, rooted comfortably in front of my radiator cum laptop while people scream in terror and wail in despair and children die from hunger. Okay, maybe it's not so bad; I'm not exactly "rooted" here since I haven't felt any tendril growing from my ass.

The whole world will be hit. Singapore hasn't been hit too hard yet. As a friend once said (in reference to his exams, not the economy, but it still works), "The worst has yet to come."

As the world economy goes south, global demands for diamonds will fall. African slavemasters will decide that it's no longer worth feeding their slave diamond miners, hence executing them. Lives will be lost because of the recession.

Children in Asian sweatshops will be rendered jobless as people are reduced to wearing clothes made from dog fur provided by their pets that they couldn't afford to feed, and leaves bound together with vines and staples. No longer profitably exploitable, these children will starve, turning into walking bags of bones sporting cool bloated bellies that will soon be the trend.

This recession will stop developing countries from taking advantage of illegal child labour. Underaged unemployment rates will rise. Think of the poor downsized kids living on their shitty retrenchment packages!!

And don't forget the dying trees bare of leaves.

And the dead chihuahuas bare of skin.

Okay, this isn't going anywhere. I'll just stop here.

by The Ink Spots

Maybe you'll think of me
when you are all alone.

Maybe the one who
is waiting for you,
will prove untrue.
Then what will you do?

Maybe you'll sit and sigh,
wishing that I were near.
Then maybe you'll ask me
to come back again.

And maybe
I'll say, "Maybe."

Maybe you'll think of me
when you are all alone.

Maybe the one who
is waiting for you,
will prove untrue.
Then what will I do?

Maybe you'll sit and sigh,
wishing that I were near.
Then maybe you'll ask me
to come back again.

And maybe
I'll say, "Maybe."

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