Sunday, 29 May 2011

Rant 786 / Inclined To Get A Netbook Instead Of A Tablet

I did not die last night in Die2Nite.

However, I do not have water. In addition, every night I remain outside lowers my chances of survival. It's one of the factors.

Yesterday it said my chances were "decent". Today, "largely satisfactory".

My fast food restaurant is now a tiny oasis in the sea of zombies. Here, check this out:

So it's not the most infested of all, but I'm the only guy in this quadrant. Most of the others are up at the northwest, where signs of civilization are plainly visible on the map.

I'm pretty sure the other guys hoarded a bit more water than I did since I was one of the last to log on yesterday, so I don't believe I'll be surviving the longest.

Encountered a few bugs in Witcher 2. Nothing that would ruin my day but bugs nevertheless.

Crashed twice. Good thing they were quick and I saved often. Sometimes when games crash, they take forever to return to Windows.

Another bug was at the part in Chapter 1 where I went with a certain elf (trying to avoid spoilers here) to meet the kingslayer. At the point where I was supposed to meet the elf, Roche was somehow there too, and openly hostile to the elf.

The problem was that the elf was immune to his blade, probably due to the nature of the bug. Hence he was dancing around us with his sword while we walked together. It was strangely funny. Roche wasn't even supposed to appear there!

A more annoying bug would be the lootable objects that somehow couldn't be looted because they were bugged.

Finally, this game is kinda like a hentai dating sim. Say the right things, get sex. Right here in Chapter One I have already found 3 sex scenes.

Worse is the fact that they were unnecessary to the plot. They were just gratituous nude/sex scenes that probably were meant to improve sales.

Today I saw that the latest bags of pants were labelled "克色". I thought maybe it was short for "巧克力色", but then I opened one bag and found black pants inside.

"克" and "黑" have exactly the same Cantonese pronunciation.

It kinda amused me.

I have no idea why I'm blogging about this.

Oh shit. So heavy cellphone usage can damage our brains.

The researchers observed that 50 minutes' worth of cellphone use causes a 7-percent increase in brain metabolism in the region closest to the cellphone antenna.

But why do I have such a bad memory even without using the phone often?

Do I give that little of a fuck to everything?


Witcher 2 kept me up all night. The Kayran boss fight was HARD. Not to mention the game wasn't very clear on where I'm supposed to go once it begins using its 1337 aimbot to lob boulders at me.

Was kinda annoyed but fortunately I could hit Esc, then Alt-Tab to use my google-fu.

5am now. Was surprised when I saw that it was 4am, then forgot about it.

I was going to sleep but it was already 4.50am, so I thought I'd stay up for 20mins or so to see what happens after tonight's attack on Die2Nite.

So the new minister in charge of public housing is going to make a change. Instead of building to order (BTO), as in construction begins only when 70% of the orders are fulfilled, they're going to build it before that happens.

Whatever he's saying, I'm very sure it's not just because of the spreading frustration among potential homeowners.

The main reason, IMHO, is because it's so obvious there is great demand for those flats and due to the rate of economic growth currently and in the foreseeable future, this demand is going to be sustained for a long time.

I am curious about two things though.

First, why didn't the previous guy do it in the first place? Was he that averse to risks? Or did he hold a different opinion as to why the prices are rising (eg foreign speculators)?

Second, if the BTO policy was that efficient, why did buyers of new flats have to go through the balloting process, which clearly implies a backlog (of potential buyers who couldn't get a flat)?

I mean, when 70% of the flats have been confirmed sold, the construction would begin. If there was a backlog, wouldn't the people who couldn't get their flats before immediately fill up the other 30%? If there was NO backlog, why would they need to pick people randomly via balloting?

I'm missing something here.

Nothing special happened in Die2Nite. I'm not likely to die (my chances are "largely satisfactory") but I'm thirsty. Only one thing can save me now - finding water from the Fast Food Restaurant tomorrow. Highly unlikely but theoretically possible. I can only explore it once per day and I only found another piece of food today, so tomorrow is my last chance.

I used to think that it's alright to install Windows on different PCs if only one PC is being used at a time. Like in my case, my previous PC can no longer be used due to a ruined processor, hence I'd installed Windows Vista on the new PC using the same disc.

Apparently, this isn't the case. I wonder why it didn't notify me sooner about it.


Oh I get it! It's the hard disk it was installed on! I'd only changed the hard disk like half a month ago but didn't really start to use it till a few days back. It didn't matter if the rest of the computer was different or if the hard drive was split up into different drives.

Therefore, Microsoft identifies our PCs by our hard drives.

Played another 2 LoL games on the desktop finally. Lost both.

Now I have to consider the logic that says that I suck at it.

I probably do.

I also recognize the fact that I've been playing differently since I noticed my initial winning streak. For example, I no longer camp in the bushes to regenerate HP during the early game and, instead, spend all my time hitting minions and waiting for the enemies to come close enough.

This, I must admit, does not work when I'm fighting against ranged heroes.

Seriously, don't move when the barber is working on your hair.

I have to agree with this comment:


This trailer was too sad, mainly because it involves a little girl dying.

Holy crap! I didn't know that!

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