Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Rant 778 / Six Hours Per Terabyte

Today's map as seen from our Map Viewer.

All the digits are the zombie counts on each tile, displayed like this because we have a level 5 Watchtower that reveals all tiles within 10 tiles.Yellowish-green tiles are lightly infested, reds are seriously infested, blues are practically bursting with them.

On my non-water days like today, this wouldn't be a concern. Since we have over 100 logs and scrap metals, I can just stay in town and convert these raw materials. Boring but necessary.

But after yesterday's killing spree, I wanted to look outside to see if my efforts did anything to stop them.


Yesterday, none of the zombies were within 1 tile of my town. Today, 3 tiles next to town are infested.

As for defence, we're still trying as hard as we can to bring in defensive objects but it's getting hard when many of us are unable to reach non-depleted zones where they can be found. Defensive structures aren't needed yet because we only lack less than a hundred points tonight, something which can be easily remedied another cheap building.

The format process is slower than expected. It's taking 2 hours to format 21%.


So it takes 6 hours to fully format a 1TB hard drive. Important thing to note. Hopefully it's really that long and not because my computer has difficulty reading the hard disk or something.


I hate how it gets stuck at "Expanding files..." and then suddenly becomes unable to read the disk. Then when I restart it, the DVD drive isn't detected. Happened once the other day, happened again just now.


Encountered a few short pauses that could be explained by the fact that I was doing 3-4 things at the same time including watching the stream on Vidyavidya, downloading programmes and updates, and installing programmes.

Googling this issue gave me results that mostly point to temperature issues.

Possible. The grills at the front of the HAF 912 casing has 2 layers, which makes it a good filter but a bitch to clean. This basically prevents me from merely relying on wiping with wet rags because it can't reach the one inside.

None of the fans appear dusty, but I cannot see the fan in the graphics card. Might have to try if the pauses return. So far I'm not getting anything similar to what I had been getting before the format.

I guess I should use my heavy duty vacuum cleaner on it.

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