Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Rant 775 / What Is Going On Here?

So after playing against bots exclusively for such a long time in League of Legends, I thought it would be unhealthy if I continued this practice forever. Furthermore, my friends are all playing against real humans. If I went on like this, my tactics and habits might become too adapted to AI behaviour which can hamper my ability to compete against actual players.

For example, AI follows you stupidly behind towers if you know how to guide them, ie through the jungle. This is a cheap trick some players use to get a double kill and first blood simultaneously in the beginning of matches.

Real people don't do that. Furthermore, real people might go into the bushes before minions start to spawn to see if there is anyone hiding inside, particularly if they're able to teleport or turn invisible. AI does not do that, making it safe to camp within and ambush them, as long as they didn't see you go into the bushes in the first place. If they did, they may follow you, especially midway during the games when your HP is low.

Apparently, I'm not half bad at using Mordekaiser now, but I'm only using one game to judge. It seems Siphon of Destruction is a good way to shave HP off bots and is also a fantastic way to prevent melee enemies from attacking minions, drastically reducing their cash flow in the early game.

However, the guides I read told me Mordekaiser's better than this. According to those players who wrote them, Mordekaiser can make a good assassin. I don't know how I can do that with just Siphon, Mace of Spades and the Summoner spells Ignite and Exhaust, unless the target is already half dead far from a tower and is unable to slow me, teleport away or speed up. What's the chance of that in the early stages of a real PvP game? Even semi-decent players know they need to stay close to towers if they're close to or below half HP.

Still, I was fortunate that the 2 enemies in my lane were melee champions, though one of them could turn invisible. No matter, I merely had to save my Mace of Spades whenever she goes missing and smash her in the face with metal and lightning whenever she appears close to me.

Since they were both so intimidated by my Siphon spam (seriously, I used it immediately after cooldown all the time), they didn't dare to hit me at all. This allowed me to fill up my Armour bar which rises every time I do damage with an ability, rendering any of their attacks very ineffective.

In the end, at lvl7, 4 of them finally ambushed me and my buddy, killing me. I almost got 2 of them. Almost, not did. Sad.

Not because I didn't kill them. Well, not completely anyway. The main reason I'm sad is because I made an embarrassing mistake during that fight when I panicked. Instead of hitting R to use my ultimate skill, I was spamming F. Since I had already used everything but R, I was wondering why nothing was coming up.

When my buddy died, I looked down and saw that. In the end, I used it too late. If I had used it earlier, I might have lasted longer and killed someone because it drains HP for 10s.

Still, it wasn't all bad. After we downed 2 of their towers on the top lane without losing any on our lanes, they conceded.

Second game, ended the same way. We downed 2 towers on one side and they conceded. We had one guy on our team disconnect during loading screen and never returned, so it was no small feat. Some may say that it's easier because 2 of us got to solo a lane, but that's only if they both survive all the gank attempts. Now that's not easy when you're alone.

I'm not saying I played a big part in these. It's probably more like I got lucky because in both games, our carries in the middle lane were fantastic players, always at the right places at the right time.

So it's back to the extremely hot days I hate every year.

This morning when I got up I thought my room was warm. I had set the timer of my air conditioner to switch off at 5.30am and my curtains were preventing sunlight from warming up my room. End result was that my room was barely cooler than the rest of my home. Even my bathroom, which is usually cooler because of its wetness, wasn't much cooler than my room.

Using the oral thermometer I'd gotten from school back in the SARS days, I'd determined that the temperature of my room was 32.4 degrees Celsius with my windows shut, curtains covering the lower 4/5 of the window and my computer on. My windows face the east, so I didn't have a choice about the curtains until the evening.

Even the breeze was warm and my fan was and is still blowing warm wind at me.

Still, it's cooler than the outside which IIRC has been staying at around 36-38 degrees Celsius.

At this point, I'm sacrificing ventilation for coolness.

Keeping myself wet helps, especially since the bathroom is just next to me. Keeping the bathroom floor wet should lower the temperature too, hopefully. I don't know and I don't really want to experiment.

So I've to do research now. I don't exactly know how to do it. I'm supposed to find some jacket designs and prepare for winter. The problem is, people are only looking at fall 2011 now. Fortunately due to reasons I cannot explain here, it's not all bad.

Right now I'm browsing through fashion forums for ideas.

What I'm getting right now is the impression that Singaporeans generally have little fashion sense. Youtube has few videos on Singaporean fashion and those are all fashion shows held here.

Fashion sections in Singapore online forums are generally merged with the "Grooming" category and, from what I've seen, are much less alive than other sections.

The reality is different though. Or maybe the older women we target have better tastes.

There are a few active Singaporean fashion websites but there is nothing on winter fashion. Makes sense, I guess.

What do?

I have no choice but to browse UK and US fashion forums.


And as expected, my choices sucked. But at least now I know some of the designs I have to avoid.

Been trying out this MMORPG called "Global Agenda". It's a third-person shooter (just like, say, Mass Effect) and a MMORPG. Sounded fun but it had been pay-to-play until recently. When I learnt that it became free-to-play with optional paid membership, I had to give it a try.

MMOs like this just don't come by very often.

It's sci-fi, so to me it felt kind of similar to playing Mass Effect. But almost everything else is different.

For example, the ping. Since it's obviously not in Asia (most likely in the US), I had to get used to playing a shooter at about 200ms ping again. Haven't had to do it since I stopped playing Empires.

The next difference I feel is really important is that I have a jetpack. All players do. However, it (obviously) has a catch - it drains energy. Energy is also needed to shoot (again, similar to ME1's heat capacity for guns because I have to stop firing once in a while to recharge). Therefore I can't just fly anywhere I want and start spraying when I land. Instead, I have to watch my energy when I fly so that I have enough to fire, or land somewhere clear to recharge before attacking.

Anyway there are 4 classes - Assault, Recon, Medic and Robotics.

It should be obvious to most players with MMO experience what the first 3 are, if not all 4. But just in case, let me list them down:

Assault - heavy weapons
Recon - sniper
Medic- healer
Robotics - summoner

So far I've only tried Robotics and it's fun. I actually didn't know what it really is about but I picked it anyway because I know what the other three do.

This class can have up to 4 machines equipped and ready to use, but 3 is preferable in order to leave one slot for a Repair Arm which speeds up the deploy speed of the healing station and turret. I don't know if there are different machines at higher levels, but for now I see only 4 kinds:

1) healing station - heals everyone in a certain radius, has unlimited time, quick deploy
2) turret - kills stuff, has unlimited time, slow deploy
3) shield - giant forcefield which only you and your allies can shoot through, lasts a short time only, instant deploy
4) drone - kills stuff, lasts a short time only, instant deploy, can be mobile depending on model

This makes the Robotics a jack-of-all-trades, although I mainly use my gun and my turret only. The turret is more lethal than my gun but it has a limited arc of fire (current turret only can fire in a 90-degree arc) and limited range (100 vs my current gun's 165 units). After some time, I've learnt that it works best indoors where its small arc is offset by placing it in a corner or a doorway.

This game also has some interesting PvP. Right now I've only tried the Mercenary missions in which two teams fight to capture points on a map. There's also a Double Agent mission available in which 6 players play in a PvE mission except 2 of them play as the enemy, presumably on the side of the "E". That reminds me of L4D.

I have to admit I had no idea what that last instrument was. I've never heard of a "theremin" before... and honestly I can see why. Or hear it, rather.

It doesn't exactly have the most beautiful sound and it certainly has to be hard to master. I mean, a slight twitch would ruin the music. The other problem is that you can't have an abrupt change of tone.



This game is gay in more ways than one.

And you know who I pity? The game testers.

So I haven't been watching GSL on GOMTV until yesterday when I watch Jinro's matches.

It was disappointing. I couldn't help but notice that Jinro really didn't play as well as he used to. In a few of the games, he was turtling so hard I wondered if he'd, for some reason, been training on Civilization V instead of Starcraft 2.

Whatever his problems are, he should probably fix them soon. According to the commentators it isn't easy to get promoted back to Code S from Code A.

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