Monday, 21 February 2011

Rant 731 / I Am Not Going To Talk About The 2011 Budget

If only all kids are that easy to control.

Joo Chiat is to be Singapore's first Heritage Town. Isn't that the place to visit when you need sex... on a budget? What are they going to do? Use wax models of random old prostitutes? And what about the women themselves once the Board turns the place into some kind of a tourist attraction (money can do miracles)? It's not like their pimps contribute to their CPF accounts... do they? Or are they going to be part of the attraction, part of "the old world charm of Singapore in the 1960s and 70s"?

I guess that makes sense, in a rather unpleasant sort of way.

WOW! 70% of Singapore youths have never changed their web passwords! Come to think about it, I really shouldn't be so surprised. I've been getting so many spam emails from my friends because their accounts got hijacked or something that I no longer think about it. Personally I have changed each of my email passwords at least once in the last 2 years. I do have over 20 email accounts after all, so it gets kinda confusing if I change them too frequently.

As for online security, people (not just Singaporeans) need to be more concerned. Even a complete noob like myself has been on someone else's Facebook account from my own computer in the past without his/her consent. It's really not that hard to get access if you are curious enough. And no, I didn't get it by going on to someone else's computer.

Furthermore, just because a person has your passwords doesn't mean he will do obvious things that will get your attention. It's much more sensible to merely sift through your undeleted emails and other information quietly.

Also, there is a surprising proportion of people who use the same passwords for emails and Facebook. I'm just saying.

I still don't get how this can affect the children in any way. They've never heard the song; they'd never have heard about the song if their parents didn't tell them. If the children have never heard the song, how is this a crime?

And how is this perfectly fine? Even if the video is fake and they are child actors, the kids still had to read and memorise those lines about illegal drugs and murder.

So it's taboo to talk about sex with children but alright to tell them about drug abuse and killing people.

You've gotta fight!

For da right! (TO EAT DA POO POO!)


Also, why aren't they showing 2girls1cup instead?

Probably because it takes a lot more effort to say "DA RIGHT TO EAT DA POO POO DEN VOMIT IT OUT DEN EAT IT AGAIN!"

Finally, notice how the first guy talks about anal licking and fisting before asking the kids to leave. Kids, it's fine to learn about licking and fisting the ass. Even in nature, anal licking is perfectly normal. Not so sure about fisting though. I'm honestly quite ignorant when it comes to monkey sex (since they're the only animals with fists) seeing as I'm not much of a monkey man myself.

Thank goodness there is the Internet. If Internet access ever becomes a basic human right, I'm sure there won't be that many people listening to such speeches, religious or not religious.

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