That night at CZY's place his sister was, for some reason, saying that Justin Bieber was a 51-year-old man and that it was on the Internet. Obviously she has been visiting Onion News.
Justin Bieber Found To Be Cleverly Disguised 51-Year-Old Pedophile
The ending in which the "real" Bieber sang without his disguise was quite creepy. Somehow I just couldn't connect the voice to the face.
Which showed to me how the brain works regarding preconceptions and what we "know". If we "knew" something to be true all our lives, then we would find it hard to believe it was false even if we were to see proof of it with our own two eyes.
So the next time you feel frustrated because someone just flatly refuses to believe what you say no matter the evidence, remember this video and understand, especially if you felt the way as I did about the singing.
Oh, and she's a complete attention whore. My guess is she probably loves Facebook. If not, she definitely will when she gets older.
Or maybe she was just bored. Either way, she was probably our pre-emptive karma for making so much noise later that night.
Finally getting used to handling the Engineer class in ME2. Now I always kill normal enemies without spending ammo, especially when there is no urgency. Minibosses are also easier since I have the Combat Drone. All I need to do is spam Shift to keep pausing every 4 seconds or so in order to keep the miniboss busy with a constantly respawning Drone while my team members take care of any henchmen. Not my problem if none of the AI can kill it within 4 seconds in Hardcore difficulty.
If a country is always in an increasing debt and yet still manages to grow economically, how is it different from a gigantic Ponzi scheme?
NWN2 Platinum Edition (aka with both expansions) for 10USD on Steam. I didn't know they usually go for $20 only. Speaking of this game, I just noticed the 2D sprites used in ME2.
Normally, I don't look up a lot but a few days ago I did. That was when I saw that all those people on the upper floors in Ilium consisted of only 2 sprites being used repeatedly. Worse still, they looked horrible close up (eg on the left outside the windows of Liara's office), obviously because they were never meant to be seen from that distance.
These sprites immediately reminded me of those in Baldur's Gate 2, except larger. The reason is that they keep doing the same action, like raising their hands and leaning forward, then back to standing straight again. I know these sprites are used in order to create a more lively background using minimal processing power, but seriously, they could have designed it better. At the very least, don't give us a chance to see them like 3m away. That asari sprite looks like a man-sized blurry mass. A disturbing sight IMHO.
If I didn't know better, I'd say Bioware had re-invented Ivan Ooze in ME2.
Found a new server for Empires today that's based in Hong Kong. Fantastic. Good ping, all newbies, filled with Cantonese speakers. Unfortunately it showed me that ping isn't the reason why I suck at shooting. I just have no talent at aiming with the gun.
And they keep calling me "鬼佬" which means white guy, just because I don't have a mic and can't type Chinese in the game, even though when each player joins the server his country is announced in English. As you can deduce, their English is horrible, hence I've given up on trying to tell the comm what to do.
I'd comm but I know it's not good to have a leader who cannot communicate with the team, even if he's better at it than any of them.
The boat that sank in Mersing was apparently inspected and found to be "seaworthy" by the local authorities. And it sank before the local meteorological station issued the category 3 alert.
So the problem has to lie in either the inspection or the standards of the inspections. Do the inspectors just look around and search for holes in the hull?
You know what's the best thing about McDelivery? Ordering breakfast on the night before so that all I need to do the next day is wake up at the right time.
My modem died. It had lost the internet connection since 12am last night. As usual, I restarted it before going to bed. Assuming there would be no problem, I didn't wait for it to finish booting before switching off my PC.
This morning, there was still no connection. My bro, who usually wakes up at 7, had resorted to using his phone for its tiny bandwidth. Me, I have the USB modem. My mum has nothing. =(
This has happened twice before. Both times it returned to normal within 48 hours. I assumed it would be so again this time, but decided to do something about it for my mum's sake.
So I went through all that "switching cable points" routine that the Starhub call center told me to do the last 2 times. Just before I finished the final test of connecting the modem directly to a computer, the modem did not turn on at all.
Now the modem is completely dead. I believe the term for it is "bricked".
So I called Starhub. The customer service guy, upon hearing that my modem doesn't even turn on, said he would forward it to the appropriate department and asked me for my number.
I'm very likely not going to get a good connection until they send a technician over.
No online games till then, which sucks because I managed to set up my shitty mic and was planning on playing Empires on the HK server again.
Fortunately I still have ME2, Deathspank and Arcania: Gothic 4.
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