Monday, 13 December 2010

Rant 681 / 24 Hours And Still Isn't Flat.

The entire report really wasn't that worth mentioning here until the end:

Mr Koh is also recorded praising China’s ”investment and intelligent diplomacy in the region”.
He is reported to have said, “I don’t fear China. I don’t fear being assimilated by China” while he also hailed its decision to invest in Africa ”without lecturing them about human rights and democracy as the West does”.

So I've talked about it before and apparently the government has considered this eventuality (if he's thought of it, the rest of them must have too).

Someday we'll be voting for the CPC instead of the PAP, if there will be votes then at all. How do you feel about that?

All hail our CPC overlords.

You will never know what you missed until you see something you wrote or did at least 5 years ago. Despite the impression you may have that you have always been you, the truth is that you are not. It is regrettable that the old self is gone forever, but this blog serves to save an image of myself as I grow. It's exactly like the video below, except this is done with words instead of pictures.

Reminds me of this line in The Ring of Time by E.B. White:

"She is at the enviable moment in life... when she believes she can go once around the ring, make a complete circuit, and at the end be exactly the same age as at the start."

Which, of course, is a false belief.

This blog will present an incomplete image of my mental self, but it would happen anyway even if there is a way to record every single moment of my life in 3D holographic video.

Having my PC remain online overnight while having my air conditioner turn off automatically in the early morning is not a good idea. Room gets warm, I get warm, I get woken up too early. Not good at all.

In order to have the best of both worlds, I realized I needed a way to shut down my PC some time before the air conditioner turns off. How does one set a shutdown timer for a PC?

Apparently, you can do so by using the Task Scheduler in Vista.

Just need to create a basic task, enter the time and date, pick Start a Program, enter "shutdown" without quotes in the Program/Script blank and "-s -f -t 0" without quotes in Arguments, and then it's done.

This way I can start a disk scan when I go to bed and not have to wake up to switch it off.

5pm. The LED torch is still working. I'm very impressed. Another 5.5 hours and it will have lasted 24 hours. Just to make things clear, I've only squeezed it twice last night before remembering not to do so.

True that it's not very bright. We're having a cloudy day in Singapore and my window is 4/5 covered. The light from the torch is still visibly reflected off the white wall at 1m, although it's so dim that I have to move it to differentiate the LED's light from the sunlight coming straight from the window to the same part of the wall.

What kind of battery is it using? Or have I underestimated the efficiency of the LEDs?

From this experiment, I've learnt how long the battery can possibly last. Next, I need to find out how long I should squeeze it to give it this much energy. This step will take a long time.

The goal of this is not what you think it is. I just don't want to overcharge the battery and ruin it, that's all. In fact, the original objective of this experiment was merely to let it go flat so that I can keep squeezing without fear of overcharging it. I'm not that incredibly smart and curious, y'know?

It was only until last night when I was surprised by the battery's capacity that I decided to record it and find out how long it can last. I don't even know if it started at max capacity!

9.53pm: It's still glowing! Though almost invisible now on the wall 1m from it (light in room is on), it still qualifies as "incredible". What unholy magic is this?!?

You know what? This torch is staying in my bag all the time whenever I go out, together with my keys and Swiss Army knife, and definitely coming with me if I go overseas.

I want to squeeze it.

Fingers... itchy...

But I can't.

For science!

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