Monday, 13 December 2010

Rant 680 / Squeeze Squeeze Squeeze Squeeze Squeeze

This is making me want to play Mass Effect 1 and 2 all over again. Probably after Divinity 2.

Speaking of Divinity 2, it's hard! Or maybe I just placed my skill points in the wrong places. So far I've only 2 points in the Undead summon (shoots fireball), 1 point in Fireball(?) that was given in the beginning, 1 to Magic Missile(?) from an item, 3 in Wisdom for 8% extra exp bonus and the maximum 5 in Lockpicking so that I never have to worry about not being able to open a lock.

You can see why I find the game hard. I should have put more points in the combat-related skills but it's just so frustrating not being able to open chests! Who knows what's inside and whether I'll ever remember to come back in the future?

So far the Fireball and Magic Missiles are almost useless. The Undead does take some of the heat off me but it can't withstand too much damage. Just one of the monsters I'm currently facing is enough to kill it if I don't try to help it. On the other hand, it does do some decent damage.

I really need the ability to summon more than 1 creature. Either that or I should learn something else.

The bag of Super 3-in-1 Coffeemix turned bad. The powder in every packet has turned chunky and the last packet that was opened did not dissolve in warm water.

That wouldn't have been worth mentioning if not for the expiry date printed on the back - 30122012.

This bag of instant coffee was supposed to expire 2 years from now!

Since when have Singaporean products become such substandard bullshit? Not only does it taste bad, they don't even preserve it properly.

Congratulations to Super brand for being promoted to #1 on my blacklist!

My bro gave me a hand-cranked LED torch today after coming home from his chalet stay. When I saw the name of his school in NUS printed on it, I got curious about how he got it especially since his exams were over the week before last.

According to him, the chalet outing was organized by and for all students in his year in his faculty. Numbering merely over 50 of them, there are much fewer taking his major than what I've seen in NTU.

And because a lot of them didn't turn up, he brought home 5 torches, all brand new and still in their packaging.

I have no use for it actually, but I'm leaving it here to relieve frustration (LOADING SCREENS!!! ARGH!) and train my finger strength.

So after an afternoon of intermittent squeezing, I decided to test its battery's longevity. Switched it on sometime before 9.47pm, probably 9.30pm. It's 12.41am and I can still see light on the wall 1m away from it. Given that my room's fluorescent tube has a pretty low wattage, 3 hours are still longer than I expected. A conventional torch doesn't even last 2 hours afaik.

Anyway the model is almost identical to the one below except it uses 3 LEDs instead of 2 and the openings for them are combined.

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