Would you be willing to be made to do an extreme "dare" in a game of "Truth or Dare"?
Having little experience with this game, I can safely say if I want to be extreme when thinking of a "dare", people might die. In other words, I don't know the limits.
In view of our safety, I prefer to be too mild.
I could ask him to go next door, ring the doorbell and punch whoever opens the door in the face hard.
Or I could ask him to paint himself black, wear black clothes or just paint, and stand in the middle of a busy road at night for 1 whole minute.
If not, there's always the snort-tabasco or the bottle-of-vodka-at-one-go dares. These are milder.
Next time I get invited for such a game I'll try to remember to make someone snort a line of Tabasco sauce and record that.
It will be fun.
The latest leak by Wikileaks, like the last one, is overhyped. The information inside does not greatly benefit anyone but may cost the careers of individuals. The biggest victims of this leak are obviously the US diplomats and intelligence.
That thing about not revealing names helps but does not prevent anything completely. Common sense says that the leak probably contains certain things that only a few can possibly know. In such cases, you don't need to know the name; you just need to know what was revealed.
Personally I'm not seeing this illegal revelation of secret documents as some kind of great act of justice. This is just another kind of attack against the US. Now they're going to be even more paranoid.
At what point will it appear that all they do is defend themselves? Maybe that's what they're doing already.
LoL, HoN or DotA?
Or DotA 2?
So many options! So much confusion!
Btw LoL, HoN and (of course) DotA are free to play for Singaporeans and Malaysians, so there's no need to hesitate. It's not like they need high-end computers anyway.
One thing that makes me return to HoN is that I don't have to play with the better players. Since I'm pretty much a noob (usually fluctuate between 1400-1500 PSR), I always look for games that cater to my skill range. Trust me, it's surprisingly fun if you aren't being outclassed throughout a game.
Then again there are always those who like to gloat when they win as if it's a big achievement for them. Most likely, winning a game in HoN/DotA is a big achievement for them. They are the reason I only play 1 or 2 games a day. I don't like to be angry just because of a game, so I quit to cool down before I start to take the game seriously.
As for how Garena is making money off these, an educated guess says they're profiting from the Gold Membership fees. After my experience with Business Tycoon Online (BTO), I'm no longer surprised if the profits from the fees alone are enough to let everyone here play these games for free.
I like free games. Maybe when I ever start working I'll get the Gold Membership for a year just to show my support for quality free games.
Fruit Dealer's match today in the GSL was interesting, especially the second round. His opponent was so focused in countering Fruit Dealer's infamous Banelings+Zerglings army that he built too few Marines as anti-air. In the end when the small Marine squad got blasted to oblivion, sCfOu had only Siege Tanks and empty bunkers to defend against a dozen Mutalisks.
LiquidRet's match against TheBestfOu was quite sad. When the Dutch player lost, the last non-Korean left in the tournament is now Idra. The most unique thing about this match was that The Best's builds were all his own creations. At the same time, Ret's play was actually pretty good. In one game he was able to spread his creep over a third of the map in 10 minutes and by the time he won, most of the map was purple. Shows that laying 3-4 tumours at the same spot really helps.
HongUnPrime's last game was the most noteworthy simply because he won with CARRIERS! This is probably the first game in all 3 seasons of GSL in which a player won with them. AFAIK carriers are rarely used in SC2 because they're not cost-effective at all.
Foxer aka MarineKingPrime is playing in the first match tomorrow. Too bad I'll be missing it due to RT.
EDIT: I forgot about Jinro lol. He's the other non-Korean still in this season of the GSL.
Speaking of RT, it's surprisingly easy to join the green tags (overweight group) at Maju. Everybody envies the green tags because they're the only guys who do brisk walking and barely sweat during RT. PTIs have mentioned that there are many who try to ask for a green tag during in-processing. What nobody knows is that the PTIs don't seem to check if you just say that you were given the wrong tag.
Found out about this because I was given a blue tag the other day and when I tried to exchange for a green one later, the clerk told me to join the green tags instead of changing it. When the PTI asked me, I just told him what happened. Of course it helped that I'm actually overweight although that isn't very important. A few of the guys in the group looked quite muscular while some were merely plump.
Then again, he might have gone back to ask the clerk later but it was unlikely. This is because at the end he did not have my attendance slip and I had to collect it from the clerk directly. If he and the clerk had talked, he probably would have asked for the attendance slip from the clerk for the only non-green-tag in his group.
The new Western food stall at Block 10 at Ghim Moh offers some pretty good food. Not as great the previous ones IMO but it's cheaper. The last few chefs were too good for this area and their prices were too high.
From this current chef I learnt that Asians and Europeans have different preferences when it comes to green bean sprouts. Asians prefer very young sprouts that are still white and leafless; Europeans eat sprouts that are already green and have small leaves.
I don't like both. I understand that bean sprouts have a pleasant "vegetable" taste, but they also have this other flavour that I dislike. I don't know how to describe it other than calling it a "stench". Generally this can be covered by other foods but I can never eat them by themselves.
In this case, the chef covered the beef steak with bean sprouts. Whether they were meant to be eaten by themselves or not didn't matter to me.
Been playing Two Worlds II. Probably the best RPG since Fallout 3 and Mass Effect. The main reason I'm saying this and mentioned Fallout 3 instead of New Vegas is that I don't like to have over 9000 quests in my list at any point of time. When it comes to RPGs there are certain things I want perfect and that includes doing the quests in the right order.
In New Vegas there were many quests that would affect your relationship with other factions, which would cancel quests that were related to them. It gets slightly tedious to have to remember the correct order to complete your quests in and I don't like such complicated matters.
In Two Worlds II, things are simple. Right now I only have a few quests to do but this is only Chapter One. Later in the game it's very possible I'll change my opinion of this game. I don't know. We'll find out soon enough.
Combat's interesting though. Although I have this feeling that mages seem to be too weak in this game, they are the more interesting class in that you can combine spells and traits to create new spells. For example, combining a lvl 1 Fire card with a Mass Effect card gives you a spell that blinds everyone in the area. Throw in a Damage trait and you get an Area-of-Effect (Aoe) fire spell. Same with the Missile card.
Fire+Missile is different from Fire+Missile+Damage, Fire+Missile+Damage+Ricochet, Fire+Missile+Damage+Homing and etc.
There are 5 elements to choose from: Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Necromancy. I have yet to learn Necromancy but I'm currently trying to get the skill book for it. At the moment I've learnt that the vendors in Bayan change their goods after every 2 rounds of dice (doesn't matter which game) I play, so I've been playing A LOT of dice to get one of the vendors to sell the book. No luck so far but I have won over 25k (book costs about 1200) thanks to the Quicksave feature.
Oh and it's gay that I keep encountering monsters that I'm not supposed to fight yet. Fortunately I found a Summon book somewhere and summons in this game are tough! They do shit damage but frankly the amount of pain they can handle is beyond godlike compared to what my mage can take. For example, a monster that can kill me in 2 hits may not be able to kill it before it gets unsummoned in one minute (basic summon spells last only 60s). Furthermore, even though they do little damage these summons can do AoE damage to everyone in front of them. Ok never mind. That really doesn't matter.
The only way I found for killing them was to let the summoned creature tank for me while I spam Missile-class spells, the element depending on what the target is vulnerable to.
Yes in this game, you cannot rely on one single element. All monsters have different resistances and they're listed in symbols when you look at them. Therefore it's advisable to keep at least 2-3 elements and change accordingly, or it will take forever to complete any dungeon.
The biggest complaint I have regarding this game would be the bugs. In one dungeon, the giant scorpions could barely move in the narrow cavern while I could walk through certain rocks and fall into the black vacuum of outer space. Another bug is how I cannot assassinate monsters often. In many instances I could sneak up so close to the back of the monsters I could have surprised them with a devastating anal assault, yet the assassinate symbol never pops up. A few of the earlier, weaker monsters showed me that if they chased me, then gave up and returned, they could be assassinated after that. I don't know if it's the same for all monsters.
Another problem I believe is a bug is that summoned creatures do not attract monsters. Adding this to the fact that summoned creatures do only slightly more damage than a sneeze, I find these creatures very tricky to use. They will probably remove this bug soon but until then, all the summoned creatures do in most situations is look cool.
Played a few games of DotA the other day with the BC. The amount of disconnections and leavers were quite annoying really. Totally reminded me of why I only play HoN these days if I play such games at all. At least in HoN your leaves are recorded whether you disconnect or rage quit. If you disconnect you're given several minutes to reconnect (if the reconnect option doesn't appear just restart HoN) so there's almost no excuse to have lots of leaves in your record other than poor sportsmanship. Personally I have about 7% leaves (I have left 7% of all my games), all due to disconnections and the fact that I didn't know restarting helps make the reconnect button appear.
And it took me half a game to get me used to the hotkeys and item combinations again. Took me another game to get the hang of using the eye ability again since it's quite different from the one in HoN now that it doesn't require a tree and it can stun enemies. In HoN the eye is visible and does nothing but detect all units, while the one in DotA is invisible, detects only non-invisible units but can be activated to stun the nearest enemy unit for a second or more and is vulnerable to damage, eg AoE abilities by enemies.
So while in HoN I try to find tactical spots where the enemies cannot reach easily to plant my eyes, in DotA I plant my eyes/birds at regular intervals at my lane or along the river. And I have to replant them every 8 minutes. The Tree-dude is therefore harder to use in DotA than in HoN.
OMG! I just need the 2 expansions, so that's US$15! This really made me consider buying them for a few seconds before I decided I don't want it. They aren't giving me a discount on the subscription rate.
But this shows that Blizzard must be worried about dropping subscription rates or at least a lack of increase. Last I heard they basically remade the WoW world or something in Cataclysm and now this. Remaking the world makes it refreshing to play it again and together with this discount, it appears to be a big move to attract old players to return.
Anyway this is a legit email because I found out how to recognize one some time ago. This is how you do it:
Click on "View Message Source".
Check for where it really is from.
This is what a real Blizzard IP would look like.
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