Saturday, 20 November 2010

Rant 664 / Swallowing Lips

Bird flu confirmed in HK. Bad time to be a bird in Hong Kong.

Pregnancy doesn't begin to show until the 4th month.

For anyone with a girlfriend/wife, here's an article on the female orgasm that may be useful to you.

Spaceport! Of course it's very likely I'll never be able to afford a ride into space in my lifetime, but a spaceport is a significant step towards the sort of space travel that only appears in science fiction now.

Antimatter has not only been made, but also has been trapped for about 0.2 second, a huge amount of time compared to the units of time usually used in nuclear and theoretical physics.

Once they improve their techniques, they will eventually be able to discover uses for it. Who knows what antimatter can be used for? Weapons are definitely possible but whether it can be produced cheaply and in bulk would be a major issue there.

What use can there be for something that makes things disappear?

What use can there be for something that probably breaks the law of conservation of energy?

Other than weapons, I really don't know.

Natural Selection 2 is NOW IN BETA! WOOHOO!

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