Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Rant 656 / 4:1

Changed a few characters in the above Chinese/English list after watching some guy play the Chinese version of SC2, like 象 to 像 for the Colossus.

Chinese SC2 has bad dubs.

Also found this website that's like the Chinese version of a SC2 wiki.

It's more complete than any other SC2 wiki I've encountered so far, but then again I haven't been going out of my way to find them.

Of course the students feel a sense of belonging. It's good, really.

But that was never the problem. The problem that this article is completely ignoring (and may be misleading to some readers) is that it was an adult final year undergrad who raised this problem and the example he raised was about an adult couple.

How the heck can you not feel loyalty to your country if you've been singing national songs every National Day, and singing the national anthem and saying the pledge everyday?

But when one grows up, more is seen and more is thought upon. Issues begin to merge; instead of a rainbow, we see a white light.

Singaporeans are annoyed that we're getting more expats than we're used to. A quarter of our population here on this island of 5 million people are "foreign talents" as the government so very much loves to put it. So we're getting Chinese paddlers to win our tournaments and 1 in every 4 of your friends on average are some guy making the same amounts of money as you do but doesn't have to serve NS and train for IPPT/IPT/RT like you do.

Life's a bitch, yes?


Qatar has over 3/4 of its population made up of foreign workers.

Luxembourg has about 30%.

USA has about 10%, despite having the most expats in the world numerically speaking.

Generally, oil-rich Arab nations have the highest ratios of foreign workers vs native citizens, followed by tiny wealthy countries.

Our case isn't abnormal. We are but part of the world.

Life's never easy, even when it is.

Obviously senior executives in government ministries and their agencies need to have their salaries raised to become comparable with their counterparts in the private sector. This is to prevent more corruption from spreading. The problem with these men is that they weren't paid enough.

Singapore has one of the lowest corruption level in the world. But we should not be arrogant and stagnate. We need to look ahead and remember that the strongest chain is only as tough as the weakest link. Therefore all civil servants should have their salaries similarly adjusted.

And if they already are, then they should be raised further. The goal here is to pay everyone vast amounts of money so that the entire Singapore becomes practically incorruptible.

So after reading a particularly noteworthy list of 10 tips for guys going on a date, I decided to list down 10 things for girls to note when going out with a nerdy guy.

10) Play/try Starcraft 2.

9) Know what 6pool is.

8) Be aware of what DotA is.

7) Be aware of the natural superiority of Koreans in RTS games.

6) Do not ask him to play Maple Story with you.

5) If he suggests playing Maple Story, question his sexual orientation.

4) MMOs do not require skill, just dedication. No, this is not a debatable issue.

3) Be able to spend at least 3 hours a day playing computer games.

2) Do not post a list of dating tips for guys just because you've recently been on a bad date.

1) Don’t stare at our chests. If we catch you glancing at our chest when you’re just in front of us, we’ll think you’re rude and have no willpower perhaps hungry. You can look, but from a distance (that way it’s not obvious what you’re looking at!).

I know, this list is about as funny as the aforementioned list is useful.

The last 2 RT sessions were rather different from those I attended last year. During the first session, we spent 45 mins in an air-conditioned auditorium listening to a 25min briefing. The last 20 mins were for the PTIs to chat while we stare at them, chat or ask them questions just to break the monotony.

After that we were supposed to be given a short orientation tour because in Bedok camp they sometimes used the gym for RT. Never used it in Maju.

We waited 5mins for the guys inside to leave the gym, then received the announcement that due to "unfavourable weather conditions" we were not going to have a short run at the end.

So we had a short introduction to the gym's various equipment, then wasted 15mins enjoying the cool air inside before moving on to the out-processing (out-pro) area.

That was it. And we got paid half day service pay for that. Not much, not even enough to cover the cab fare, but I really didn't mind not breaking a sweat. The worst part was only after we got to the out-pro area, when the OC wanted to talk to us till the sky darkened at about 7pm.

Really long talk that really didn't matter much since he only wanted to give us an idea how RT was supposed to help us and how he was going to make sure that happened.

Spoke to the clerk after out-pro to change my venue back to Maju.

Not missing Bedok camp at all.

But I have to say the RPs were stricter over there. I was told to tuck in my shirt when I entered and the RP who checked my back actually looked inside for a while. Good thing I never bother to bring my phone whenever I go for RT.

Even after I got my bag checked, another RP asked me again for my phone.

At the end when we were leaving the camp, everyone had to have their bags checked yet again, causing a long queue, even for the cars. The cars didn't get checked but the RPs seemed to have a list of cars' license plate numbers they had to match to each one that was leaving. Meanwhile the guy checking out bags was slightly more hasty in his scrutiny of the stuff in the bags probably because of the very long queue.

I like their alertness. Then again, they probably have fewer people to handle than those at Maju.

The second session I had was also quite different but in another way.

Apparently the camps were beginning to change their RT routines to slowly adapt to the new version of the RT that was going to be fully implemented next year.

For now, everyone had to be grouped according to their problems. For example, I'm in the overweight group with the green number tag. The number doesn't matter but the colour does. The blue tag was probably for those who failed only the 2.4km run so their training was basically all about running, with some short breaks once in a while.

I noticed their training only because our training involved 30mins of... walking. So we were on the road watching them pant like crazy while we barely broke a sweat after the walk. Some of us were even strolling and chatting with the PTI at the back. I think he was trying to speed them up to catch up with us in the front but failed.

After that was a long 10-15mins water break which most of us spent sitting on the benches staring at the others train. The PTI for the blue tags was shouting encouragements all the time while half of those guys were visibly struggling.

When our break ended we were told to go for the second half of our session, which was strength training. The list was supposedly long (I don't know, he could have made that up to make us feel like he was making life easier for us even though it was already very easy) but he said he would shorten it to about 5 exercises.

It began with 30 overhead claps.

Followed by 20 half-squats.

After which we did 20 push-ups.

Short 2mins break.

20 crunches.

Then we did this strange exercise in which one guy lies down and lifts his legs up to form a capital L, while another guy stands with his feet on both sides of his head and holding the first guy's feet, forming a rectangle.

The second guy was then supposed to push the first guy's feet down while the first guy tries to resist the push and then pull hiss leg back up into the other guy's hands.

10 of that.

Finally, 15 or 20 squats.

It was so hard, we actually broke a sweat.

The sessions were supposed to be progressively harder as the days pass but I have no idea how much more intensive they will become. It's likely we will have advanced to brisk walking in the next session.

Also, I get to miss one session because it falls on Hari Raya. =D

FoxeR won. Not surprising. However I was slightly off when I predicted it would end with 4:0.

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