Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Rant 649 / Whale Milk?

Didn't catch the earlier games on GOMTV at 12pm but fortunately managed to log on just in time for TLO's games. Too bad he lost again. Truth to be told, I think TLO is overhyped by the commentators, probably and understandably out of some kind of white pride.

Apparently in one of the earlier games before I logged on there was a player named "Loner" who's from China, and he won his match. He may be the only player from the PRC to be entering the Ro32, but I didn't actually check every player on the roster so I may be wrong.

The unique thing about him is that Starcraft 2 is actually not officially released yet in the People's Republic of China. Therefore he came from a really different environment compared to the rest of the players.

And of course, it's always interesting to see non-Korean players in the tournament.

Anyway I didn't watch it on GOM because as usual, it's full and the Test stream sucks. Instead I found another stream on TeamLiquid.net that was almost perfectly smooth.

As for the evening session, missed it.

Am I the only one who finds it painful to hear someone say, "十千"? 一萬就是一萬﹐哪有十千的呀?

Watch the above before the video below.

See what censorship really does?

Probably the most subtle song Kpop has to offer.

Corals here are dying. So less food for fish, and then less fish.

Speaking of fish, this month's National Geographic magazine was about how eating different types of fishes really don't have the same effect on the food chain.

For example, for each unit weight of blue tuna you eat, it is the same as eating 10 times the weight in herrings or squids, or 100 times the weight in lobster, or 1000 times the weight in seaweed.

So if you really want to be more environmentally friendly without going vegetarian, stick with lobsters :P

Or else zooplanktons are fine too since they're only 1 step above algae, seaweed and phytoplankton.

I used to think that zooplanktons are micro-organisms like phytoplankton, but I was wrong. Zooplanktons actually include jellyfish, crustaceans and molluscs, according to Wikipedia. This kind of contradicts the diagram in the magazine, so I guess it means they're only talking about herbivorous zooplanktons.

The important thing is to look at which part of the food chain you're feeding on. Whales are probably level 3, which is where herrings and squids are, except they're mammals so they don't really count. Salmons are on the 4th level together with tunas and probably sharks, so eating them isn't good for the fish populations even if they're farmed, because fish feed is usually made from other fish.

Btw how do whales mate?

I know fish reproduce by spraying sperms all over eggs that have already been laid, but whales aren't fish. Mammals reproduce by sexual intercourse, so that means whales do that too.

What does a whale penis look like? I'm actually half serious.

So I googled it. Yes I did.

Look at what I found!


But I do kind of pity the guy who had to measure the 2.4m-long penis of the blue whale.

I also found a few other interesting pages.

First is this Russian luxury SUV. It features a whale penis leather interior. Not sure about the appeal of that material because no matter how much you want to enjoy the experience of being in that car, you'll always be reminded of the fact that you're really riding a giant cock.

Maybe it's designed for the ladies.


And whales "breastfeed" by spraying paste-like "milk" into the mouths of the baby whales.

Hmm... whale milk.

That would make a really exotic product.

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