Friday, 1 October 2010

Rant 633 / Virtual Traffic

The Managing Personal Finances assignment was hard. I never thought calculating CPF contributions and tax rebates could be so complicated. Accountants must probably be trained to have huge mental spreadsheets to contain all the details and categories. And I'm not even going to describe what you need to do to calculate your required retirement funds. All the math it involves, I left Mech Engineering to escape that shit.

Seriously, I liked doing the Chinese Linguistics assignment yesterday more than this today.

This particular assignment took me eleven hours to complete, though the first three were spent figuring out the first question because I had forgotten completely what was taught in the lecture covering that topic.

The reason why it's so hard is because it is basically my exam since it covers 70% of my final grade of this module. My lecturer has guaranteed that everyone will pass, but merely passing isn't exactly my goal.

I had to miss my Chinese Linguistics class today because this assignment was unexpectedly hard. I could finish all my assignments in 3-4 hours, so I thought 8 would be more than enough. When I hit 6 hours and found myself only halfway through the paper, I realized I was fucked. Of course, I was also only barely awake for an hour or so in the beginning, but that's only 90mins at most.

Another unexpected thing is that I actually realized I wanted to go for the Chinese Linguistics class. It is entirely possible I may be insane now.

Anyway I'm still worried about the Chinese exam. I relied so much on my dictionary yesterday and I cannot bring one to the exam. The only way I can improve the situation is to do better in my assignments since, together, they cover 50% of the total grade. It's still not easy even with my dictionary though.

Also changed my music player because I thought the Youtube videos looked too bulky. Got the player from XL's blog but obviously didn't pick the same player skin. Furthermore, I removed some of the HTML (by guesswork) to get rid of the links and ads which were supposed to appear at the bottom.

Added a few older tracks. Seems that all the tracks found on the website for this player are from Youtube, but the skin I picked does not display the video.

Been checking my traffic recently. Apparently some of you go through Vic's blog to find this blog. Traffic from his blog spiked a bit in the last 48 hours. His blog is probably the search engine for the BC's blogs. Well, except Ivan's since his blog isn't his. More like hers.

Strangely, I'm also getting traffic from Facebook and some German game website although I have no idea how they got directed to my blog. I couldn't find any links to my blog, so the people from Facebook probably somehow got the link by searching through the web results.

Another trend is that people are getting to this blog by searching words like "fruit dealer". I didn't know people would visit blogs to read about him. I thought they can easily find out more from Liquipedia II, which is a wiki for Starcraft II.

And as usual, Zalgo tops the view count ranks. Does it ever die?

Installed Uncharted Waters Online. Servers have been up since this afternoon, so I'll try it later. Should be good. Not much hype about it though. Still, I'm a UW fan so I'll play it for a while at least.

But the final match between a Fruit Dealer and HopeTorture is about to begin later this evening (4am atm)! Can't wait!

EDIT: I left to take a piss after publishing this rant and when I came back, there had been 2 views for this very rant. That means someone or 2 individuals clicked on this rant's title to read it specifically within the last 3mins. Frankly I'm surprised and a little shocked.

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