Saturday, 9 October 2010

Rant 640 / Beware Of Friendly Strangers Who Are Nice And Polite

Don't talk to strangers.

Because gays will make you gay. It's contagious.

This vid is so ridiculous it's funny. Then again, that was the 50s.

I'm not sure if it's helpful to tell your minister that you have been touched the wrong way. Especially if he's most likely the one who did it.

How to be a complete ass without breaking the law.

The first response is anger. Then think about how a person can degenerate to such behaviour and you should feel some kind of pity for her. People like this, they need someone nice to talk to. She's married, so obviously she's been mixing with the same kind of people as her - unfortunate and misguided.

This is one reason I am ambivalent about the major religions. People like her need one. People like her need to believe that people should do good, and understand that her behaviour will only produce more people like herself. It is a simple psychological exploit derived from the fact that it is human nature to want to reciprocate.

The father, on the other hand, is a good example of why life is unfair. This sort of mental torture, no decent human being should suffer it. Huntington's disease kills very slowly. Patients are generally expected to live another 20 years after the symptoms become visible. That guy has just watched his wife gradually lost brain functions over many years before dying and is expecting to watch his daughter go through the same process. The wife alone makes his life considerably shittier than most of ours. The daughter just made it more than twice as bad.

Now there's this taunting neighbour. I'm seriously amazed that he can handle it for so long. He probably cries himself to sleep every night.

Maybe I should get the PS2 emulator and play Persona 4 again. Haven't finished it anyway.

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