Friday, 19 March 2010

Rant 512 / The Horribly Slow Murderer With The Extremely Inefficient Weapon

OMG this video almost choked me! From the video's description:

Family Feud (1993) follows the premise of the American TV show of the same name. Two families are pit against each other in a contest aimed at guessing the results of a public survey. The first family member to press a button and give a concise answer that happens to be on the survey, earns points. The last round allows both families to list several of the existing survey answers in a very short time period. Heisanevilgenius's family, The As, ignores all that and goes with elaborate and utter nonsense instead only to find the host accepting their answers as correct. The other family, The Halls, doesn't even get the chance to insert a word, proving the racial prejudice of the host. Watch the game and see for yourself. Note: some answers contain coarse language.

Now see for yourselves.

Pizza Hut now offers online orders that you can pay in cash. Now if you just add some proxies into the equation, you have the perfect tool for practical jokes.

The Pope forgives all those children who were molested by priests. Even though seducing priests is a sin, he forgives them for what they have done.

"As Jesus said, 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone,'" the pope continued. "We must send a clear message to these hundreds—perhaps thousands—of children whose sinful ways have tempted so many of the church's servants into lustful violation of their holy vows of celibacy. The church forgives them for their transgressions and looks upon them not with intolerance, but compassion."

Not everyone agrees with him, but he's the Pope so no one is going to argue.

The above news report wasn't serious, just in case you thought it was. On the other hand, this following article is real.

So all the Pope did was apologize and planned to have an official investigation into the matter. Yep, after these many decades with so many witnesses and reports, all he gives the people is an investigation.

But the pope failed to address widespread calls in Ireland for a radical restructuring of the church there, nor did he say that bishops implicated in the scandal should resign."

Reassigned maybe, but not sacking them. Yes yes yes we've all heard that these scandals are just a fraction of the total number of child molest cases out there. Unfortunately this is usually not mentioned together with the fact that these cases involves priests, not the average guy on the street.

These guys are supposed to be role models for Catholics, showing them what it means to be virtuous. It's the same with teachers who sexually abuse kids. Both are people who teach and lead others, and both are supposed to show their students what they should do. Teachers don't just get sacked immediately in such a scandal, their lives get ruined and they go to jail. For some reason, Catholic priests are treated differently.

Maybe it's because he believes they're screwed anyway since they're going straight to Hell for this (if they remain unrepentant). What is the point of punishing someone if he's going to be tortured for eternity anyway? That would just be a tiny tip of an iceberg and a giant waste of resources.

If you truly believe in the existence of Hell, then there is little reason to punish anyone. If they remain unrepentant till death, they're screwed forever. If they are willing to change, why would you punish someone who isn't going to do it again? Revenge? It's not like it's going to undo the damage he did unless it was a minor thing.

This glass has twice the necessary capacity. Optimization required.

A humorous idea made into a 10-min trailer. This is what you get if you take a good idea and drag it out till it's long past the point of making anyone laugh.

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