I don't see how this will succeed. My mouse and keyboard will lag, if I understand what they're saying correctly. What OnLive does is let you play the game remotely, if I'm correct. Your computer does not have the game, all it does it send input data from your mouse/keyboard, which will then be entered into the game on their servers. The image data from the game will then be sent to your computer like a Youtube video, except it's in real time and not pre-recorded.
I think you can call this a silent mic. The bunch of wires may be unappealing, but the device can be very useful for the military. Think tactics. Think hand signals. No more of that if this is integrated into helmets. Since you can't leave the wires hanging, nor can they be very tight in case they get pulled off by opening the jaws too much, one solution I see is to make it a mask for the lower half of the face, something like a gas mask without the goggles.
Actually it can be added to gas masks. On the other hand, those things are horribly uncomfortable. Anyway they can also add it to the face masks used by the SWAT and other similar armed forces. Future soldiers won't need to use their throats other than for breathing.
Seriously, soldiers who get used to talking like this will be very creepy. First you don't see them, now you don't hear them too. Even when they're fighting you can only hear their weapons, not their voices. Pretty scary.
However nothing is perfect. The biggest problem I can imagine is how the computer translates the signals. Remember those voice-recognition programmes that translates your voice into text? Do you know why people still need to hire secretaries and clerks to type their stuff for them? They are not reliable. It doesn't type out exactly what you say all the time. Frequently it will type out something close to what you said and add fullstops or commas when you pause to think about what you're going to say.
Same with this thing that translates your lower mouth's muscles' electric signals into words. What if you cough or sneeze?
Reality is a bitch. Admit it, this dude is hotter than your girlfriend. :3
Some people, they become gay by accident. If the images on the left weren't there, you'd be gay too.
This is sooooooo true. I agree with the entire article.
If you think us gamers are stupid for playing all day for non-existent objects, think again. "If it takes time, effort and skill to obtain an item, that item has value, whether it's made of diamonds, binary code or beef jerky." It doesn't matter if you can touch it, doesn't matter if you can hold it. If someone is willing to put in time and effort to get it, it's worth something. Another example of this other than diamonds that he mentioned is stocks. Even money itself is an idea. Cash is just a physical manifestation of money which is getting outdated.
Even though the whole thing sounds so bad, I can't help but want to be addicted. I was wondering why I wanted it even while I was reading on what those guys at Microsoft had found out about human behaviour. The last part of this article explains it.
Real life just isn't as rewarding. Most people are employees and most employees would lack at least one of those elements of the three.
Autonomy (that is, you have some say in what you do day to day);
Complexity (so it's not mind-numbing repetition);
Connection Between Effort and Reward (i.e. you actually see the awesome results of your hard work).
I know many of the people who read this are either working or have worked before. The absence of any of these 3 elements are the reason for why your work sucks. I guess being a teacher is a good job then, since you would always have the third and sometimes the second.
But in online games, all three are guaranteed. Where can you find such a combination in real life other than by being in the top management of companies?
Addiction justified. When I start working, I'll probably get myself a MMORPG subscription if I have the time for it. Not kidding, been thinking of this long before I encountered this article. Since I'm not planning for much in life, this isn't going to be an obstacle for anything.
The following are 30 images illustrating twisted fetishes and stupidity of humanity. Many appear to be troll posts, but some seem to be real. You be the judge.
These made me think how some people who describe themselves as "open-minded" are going find themselves contradicted when they see words like those below. Me, I've long given up hating people or society. Everything is becoming normal to me, I think. Hopefully someday I will realize I'm wrong and there are things about people that can still shock/surprise me.
I'll end this list of images with what I consider to be legitimate and plain evil. I think I can see why HIV positive people are driven to do such things. Their situation is actually pretty sad. Please don't be one of those ignorant retards who think everyone who has AIDs have had casual sex or homosexual relationship. Some people, they get their HIV from the following means:
(POZ = positive = HIV+)
They are only human. If you hate these people, you hate humanity. It means you still do not accept people for who they are. Better to think of how they could have been pushed to such depths.
I kind of pity those priests who work in the confession boxes. Some of them must have heard things they really want to tell someone else but cannot. Imagine if people like that biker confess before they die. From Wikipedia:
According to the Code of Canon Law, 983 §1, "The sacramental seal is inviolable; therefore it is absolutely forbidden for a confessor to betray in any way a penitent in words or in any manner and for any reason." Priests may not reveal what they have learned during confession to anyone, even under the threat of their own death or that of others.
So they cannot tell anyone, not even if they get killed for it. Man, it must hurt. Now I really wonder if Catholic priests visit psychiatrists, and if psychiatrists themselves visit other psychiatrists. Pretty sure some lawyers do.
On the other hand, the state laws in some countries require priests to report any knowledge of an imminent act of violence or previous commission of such violence on another person. This means a priest in such a situation would be in a dilemma having to choose between state law and the Church's. Or rather, he'd have to choose between a chance of saving a life (maybe more) or protecting his commitment to his god's words. Which basically would mean he can't tell because "death... of others" is not a valid reason.
Holy crap! I've just struck gold! Found a video with the actual performance of Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman in the Phantom of the Opera. She doesn't sing in this part though, so all she does is stare at the camera. This version's lyrics are also somewhat different from the original.
Too bad I cannot find the rest of the videos. Apparently only this song has a music video featuring them. There is also supposedly a video recording of the entire musical (videotape quality) but it's available only to Webber and the current casts of this musical. One segment can be found on Youtube but it's too crappy to deserve any space here.
Posting the next two for the heck of it. They're the last part of the musical.
The good part starts at about 1:30 and the really good part starts at about 4:37.
Needless to say (but I'll still type it), it's best if you have the entire musical in mp3 form and listen to all of them in sequence. MC has stopped playing this role long ago, so there's no chance of watching him perform. Can't blame him, by the time he quitted he had already sung the same set of songs for more than 1300 times in front of audiences alone (not counting practices and rehearsals).
I had some KFC Eat with Whipped Potatoes. >.>
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