Somehow at about 10pm each Thursday, HX would message me expressing his surprise at my absence from my room. And unfortunately, he was trying to celebrate my birthday yesterday. In the end, he left a can of 100 Plus and an orange in my empty shoe cabinet and left for home.
That was not the first time that day. On the night before, he asked me when my first class began on Thursday. I told him, thinking he was considering staying over at my room again, but didn't want to disturb me in the morning or something. Hey, people change, and I can never tell which way they go when they do.
And on Thursday morning 15mins before class, when I was already in the lecture theatre, drinking a warm cup of sugar-free soy milk and waiting for the class to begin, I receive another text message from HX who was exclaiming at my remarkably early departure and that he had prepared breakfast for me. :(
HX is no longer the man I once knew. Gotta give him something for his birthday. Maybe this keylogger I found will do.... LOL just kidding.

Discovered that I can no longer use the same trick to bypass Vista's password. It is the first version of Windows that requires a password to log on to even the Safe Mode. So now the only way is to download a certain program, burn it into a cd and boot from it. This will work even for the admin account. *Evil grin*
But if I ever attempt that, I will be changing my status from observer to skript kiddie. I don't believe that's going to be beneficial to me.
Bought a box of the Viennetta just now. Was watching 4 consecutive episodes of Naruto while eating it. My mum discovered this when I had barely begun and demanded to have a bite. I refused at first because she is diabetic, but she's the boss after all... Anyway after so many years without a taste of this ice cream, it was as good as I expected it to be. The cream at the bottom was so smooth. The layers of chocolate was fantastic. In short, it's the next best thing to an orgasm.
But disaster struck. By the time I finished half of it, I no longer felt hungry. My enthusiasm for it waned. I finished the whole thing in the end, but half of it was not fully appreciated. What a waste. I didn't have the space and container to store it in the fridge.
So now I have a tie and some long-sleeve shirts. Now all I need is a new pair of shoes. Discovered I don't need a blazer, so things are much simpler now. Just a pair of shoes that I can wear on formal and informal occasions. Like those trekking shoes.
Overheard a conversation that made me stop believing in nihilism again. Perhaps having no life is a necessity. Inspirations only come once in a long while.
A girl who is drop-dead gorgeous, extremely intelligent, very lively and has eyes a man can drown in, can be described as "a mortal goddess". Yes, I believe I have met one, but she is a scholar! And she wants to get a Ph.D and retire by 40! IMHO she's an unbelievably rare specimen of the perfect woman (understatement of the year), but I think this dream will remain a mere dream. I think I'll rather stay single forever now. Compared to her, all girls are ugly and shallow.
C'est la vie.
One of the candidates for JCRC has resort to outright electoral fraud by giving out candies stapled to a little note that says," J***** for Publications!" (Name censored for no reason whatsoever)This should be a criminal offence, if it isn't already. No way am I voting for her, not that I'm voting for anyone though.
One thing at a time. First I'll fix my work, then I'll do something about my fitness... I think I'm unable to escape from RT this time.
Recently discovered that I can use my computer wallpapers in my handphone. I'm a complete handphone noob. Didn't know it can support .gif wallpapers either!
Was a little surprised when a friend I don't really talk to wished me "happy birthday". I don't expect people to remember my birthday. In fact, I've told my mum long ago not to celebrate it. So I was somewhat confused that he noticed. Turns out someone had posted a message on my facebook wishing me a "happy birthday". Haven't checked it for some time.
I thought I had done something to warrant notice and got me a kind of worried lol.

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