Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Rant 160 / I Believe In The Holocaust Denial Denial

Love is an urge. Being in a romantic relationship may be one of the happiest thing to happen in your life, but it is also like digging a pit at the future. Let's put it this way, when one is in a relationship, he digs, from a spot in the future, the soil to place it in the present to make him stand higher. He stands higher than the rest now, but sooner or later, he's going to have to fall into the deepest pit in his path - the one he dug from. And the longer he digs, the harder he falls. The pain will be unbearable within a decade of digging.

In chinese, one saying I've heard from an old advertisment was," Bu4 zhai4 hu1 tian1 chang2 di4 jiu3, zhi3 zhai2 hu1 cheng2 jing1 yong1 you3." It doesn't matter how long, as long as one has it before.

That is so not true and is merely something a person says after he has fallen into the pit. But those who aren't can still reverse the process. Stop digging deeper. It's just like abusing drugs. It feels fantastic now, but in the end, you're going to screw either yourself, your partner or both.

We are taught that this is something that is born in us, this instinct to mate. We are also taught that the Singaporean government is incorruptible too.

And it will not merely be pain in the end. It can drive you mad or, at the very least, change you forever. I know, I've witnessed this in real life before. Life will never be the same again for not just you, but also everyone around you after you've fallen into the pit.

It is sad how people in general are brainwashed from young to believe that they need a partner and a family. Things like TV, movies and just about every single romantic story you have ever come across are practically telling you to get a goddamned girlfriend/boyfriend in your teens and twenties.

But is it truly necessary?

Is it truly uncontrollable?

At some points in my life, I do find that I can think of nothing but that special someone. I may even dream of her. But the important thing is that after a day, it will wear off and I will become lucid again. Remaining lucid and sober is a very important thing in life.

To believe otherwise about love is to think with your heart. Your heart was never meant to think. It is not logical. It is about faith. You can believe all you want that love solves all problems, but the day this love ends is the day someone is getting seriously fucked.

But like all things in life, everyone makes his/her own decisions. This is just my opinion and I believe the price is too steep. I still want my freedom and I still want to remain the person I am today in the future. And I still want my sanity for the rest of my life.

Stay logical. Stay lucid. Get a fucking cold shower.

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