Thursday, 7 August 2008

Rant 155 / Feel The Burn

I find that many people are overly expressive of their emotions in many situations. Of course, the biggest example would be Taiwanese TV shows. But in their case, the entertainers are required to exaggerate their feelings unless they're supposed to have a "cool" image. In real life though, no one is required to do the same. So why do people scream in surprise? Scream. Surprise. Pleasant event. Scream. DOES NOT COMPUTE!

This is but one of the many things that people exaggerate in real life. Do they do so because they cannot control their emotions, or because they think they're supposed to act that way?

I believe in the latter, especially when it comes to females. My guess is that they are influenced by TV, all that drama and shit. Guys are less prone to such outbursts, but they do scream together with the ladies who initiated that moment of embarassing madness. I remember once when I was travelling in a bus with a group of friends when we went past a certain shop that had a very unique name. The first time, we chuckled about it and had a good laugh after that. The next time we went past that, one guy pointed out that we were approaching the same shop and all the girls screamed in excitement. The guy too.


I was shocked. I do not comprehend. What made it so ridiculously amazing that we are going past that shop with a funny name? For fuck's sake, that wasn't the first time we saw it! Screaming served absolutely no purpose whatsoever in this situation, aside from making a din.

People are born conformists. The April edition of TIME says so. People generally do what everyone else is doing. I believe this is the same with romantic relationships. In fact, this is precisely why primary school kids get girlfriends and boyfriends. Fuck, they can't even have a fucking erection and they're already preparing for that? Where the fuck is the logic? How the fuck did they begin to want a romantic relationship? The inborn instinct to conform to the environment, of course.

Which may seem wrong at first. I don't like it, but it makes the world go round. If people aren't conformists in general, we wouldn't have taxpayers. Tax was invented to make the rich contribute more to the society. The logic was that by making everyone pay a percentage of their income, rich people would pay more. But let's face it - this isn't happening now. In terms of actual numbers, it is true. But relative to what each of us own, rich people are paying less! Blame this on the tax laws for companies and benefits of working in one.

And why are rich people given more free stuff than the others? Why are CEOs and directors given free first class seats by their companies? These are nothing to them, so why bother giving them? Why not split up the costs and give the lower employees free budget airline seats? This would be much, much more to these people for the same price. Efficiency and effectiveness is increased.

But logic isn't how the world works. Oh no. Logic rarely guides how people behave. Studies have shown that people rationalize after the deed is done,ie, people do things first and think why they do it second. Where is the logic in this? None!

Found out that Romans used to worship a god of the penis, Priapus. This minor god has a permanent erection. A certain painful medical condition is also name after him. Priapism, the condition in which a person's erection does not stop at all. Also, there is still a religion that worships the penis.

Where can I worship the vagina? Where is the justice?? Female genetilia needs our worship too! Ah, but that why we have porn. People worship the vagina that way, paying tribute to this magnificient... body part... in their own homes, without having an official religion for it.


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