Monday, 28 April 2008

Rant 131 / Exams Doubleplusungood. Bellyfeel Unluv Exams.

Watched episode 4 of Pro at Cooking. Another episode of a cook with attitude. Every episode he would have a different hot female assistant, but he had forgotten to sack the one from episode 3.

So in this episode, when she arrived, he said," Oh yea, I totally forgot to fire you last episode."

Then he takes a deep breath, and continues," Okay, you're fired."

And he closed the door.

Anyway, this episode's chilli sauce is too complicated for my noob skills. And too many different types of peppers to buy.

"If you get this in your eye. You will die."


A funny (in a sick sort of way) discussion on some forum:

Original post: I just had my first wet dream ever (20 here). And it was about my mom being drunk. She had put on some make-up and she looked nothing like she did usually. In fact, she looked EXACTLY like a hot girl I knew. She made me caress her breasts and other shit like that and then I started cumming. I awoke immediatly.

Fuck, I feel sick now. Please someone explain this faggotry.

One reply: It could be worse, you could have dreamed it was your dad...

Another reply: I had this horrid dream in which my dad and I had very uncomfortable sex. My face looked like >=0 for a full week.

These posts are probably lies. Still, they're hilarious.

A new record! Setting 70 threads last night, with rest times set at between 2-7s, I have just donated 5.7m grains donated in 10 hrs. It didn't crash! I feel like I'm a good person now. Probably just a temporary condition. I'll go back to being evil soon.

I think I'm getting the hang of Newspeak, after 3 nights of reading the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Read about half the book and part of Orwell's explanation of Newspeak at the end of the book. So I've managed to translate a few things into Newspeak.

Exams doubleplusungood. Bellyfeel unluv exams.

Translation: Exams are extremely bad. I completely hate exams, all the way from my guts.

doubleplus = superlatively
ungood = bad
bellyfeel = completely,totally feel/believe that
unluv = unlove = hate

Am I good or what? :D


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