Success! Another 3 millions grains of rice generated and still counting. As of this moment it's at 3.46million grains.
But then, I have been running it at 80 threads since 6pm and it's 6am now. It began spamming at a rate of 11X grains/s at first but right now it's at 81 grains/s. The threads are starting to crash I guess.
And it appears that the bot doesn't need the online dictionaries anymore. It has been relying on its internal dictionary throughout the night! Woot! Godlike internal dictionary FTW!
Found this picture from 7chan yesterday that made me laugh out loud. Apparently there was this thread in that asked for people to turn porn pictures into non-porn pictures. What a novel idea! Here's a pic from that thread. Fucking hilarious.
Of course I went to browse through then, but everything there sux. There was nothing funny to be found, so I didn't bookmark it. In fact this is another website that I'm going to forget about.
A few months back, there was this documentary on Discovery about how the FBI lures pedophiles from the Internet and catches them. The online chat is easy, but then they have a woman with a really squeaky (read girly) voice to handle the phone chat which follows. Throughout these conversations, the FBI woman pretends to be an underage girl, while the pedophile pretends to be a teenager. Through the phone chat, she gets the guy to go to her house, where the door is unlocked, and tells him to strip and wait for him from upstairs. Once he's done, the FBI officers run down the stairs and arrest him. Justice!
But apparently the FBI isn't the only group of people who do such things. Many guys on the net hates pedophiles too, me included. But this is how some of them handle it:
This isn't the only screenshot of such conversations that I've found, but this is the best among all. It has also helped reinforce the idea in me that there are no girls on the internet, only guys with voice-changer programs. "Girls on the net" is a myth, just like masturbation among Asians and that girls surf internet pr0n.
Hmm... I'm testing an animated GIF here...
My books aren't here yet!!! But then I haven't been reading novels much these days. Need to keep myself at minimum energy so that I can maintain my sleeping hours till my body clock is tuned properly. Better to be damn shag at the proper time than to be "kinda tired", at least for now.
One of my books that I ordered is out of stock!! Rise of Endymion! Gah! How can I miss that book when the sequel is arriving with the rest of them?? This means I can't read 2 books out of the 8 (I think) that I ordered. BS!!! Bloody Acmabooks! Update your website properly pls!
Guess I will just have to wait....
Was reading the featured article on Wikipedia on Suleiman the Magnificient, one of the greatest Sultans of the Ottoman Empire. What really caught my attention was not how great he was, but how sad things turned out after him. One of his eight sons, Mustafa, was known as the best choice to be his successor, so talented that the Austrian Ambassador hoped that his country would not have to deal with him in the future. Luckily for him, due to court intrigues, Mustafa was killed by his father.
The Sultan who succeeded Suleiman in the end was a useless guy who spent all his time getting drunk and left all his duties to his Vizier, which should mean his Prime Minister or something like that. It was very fortunate for him that this Vizier was a very good general/ruler too, so the empire was not greatly affected. But then, he did not help his empire expand or grow - all he had accomplished was to maintain the status quo. Compared to his father, he was shit. It was claimed that he died when he slipped and fell in the bath while drunk.
Then most of the Sultans in the subsequent generations were pretty useless too. Basically the decline of the empire began with the death of Suleiman. Even though some of the later guys had some successes somewhere somehow, they were not enough.
For example one of them is described by historians to have been the closest, among all the Sultans in Ottoman history, to toppling their northern rival, Russia. But he did not quite manage to accomplish that because of riots within his empire. He had to return and pacify his people, and by doing so, he missed that golden opportunity.
Another example was one of the Sultans around the World War One era, who started to implement reforms to save his country. By then, the Ottoman Empire was really militarily impotent. But because of the size of the Ottoman Empire, there was a great inertia against his changes and everything he tried was either too little or strongly disapproved by everyone.
After all that, the Empire disintegrated during the period between the two World Wars (specifically in 1922) and the final remnant of this once-superpower is now known as Turkey. Yes there is still a Sultan(Ertuğrul Osman Osmanoğlu, Prince of the Ottoman Empire (full title : Devletli Necabetli Ertuğrul Osman Efendi Hazretleri) )but he doesn't rule at all nor given a place anywhere. Heck, he was only given Turkish citizenship in the recent decades and he is still living in the U.S. It's pretty sad how royalty lives when the kingdom dies, especially if they are compared with their ancestors.
On a lighter note, I want to try their Turkish coffee!!!!! If I ever visit Turkey someday, there are two things that must be done: visit Hagia Sophia and drink Turkish coffee. Man, they make their coffee sound damn good!
Feminism. How do I put it? It's fine with me, but only up to a certain degree. Women want to be treated equally. They want to have the same jobs, same opportunities, same sort of lives as men. Basically, they do not want to be seen as the weaker sex. Fine.
On one hand, they want to be courted more than they want to do any courting. They want guys to ask them out. They like guys who treat them like princesses during dates. Lesbians are acceptable, gay men aren't. For safe sex, men are the ones who have to cover up their sensitive parts while the ladies get the full pleasure. To look gorgeous, all that a woman needs are breast implants. Nightclubs only have Ladies' Nights, never Gentlemen's Nights. When a female accuses a male of molest/rape, she always get the sympathies. When a male accuses a female of molest/rape, he always get the ridicules. When a female stumbles into a male washroom, she only gets strange looks and curious glances. When a male stumbles into a female washroom, all hell breaks loose. When a woman cries in front of a camera, she is a victim. When a man cries in front of a camera, he is a dramafag.
But on the other hand, to argue for the feminists, we do have several valid reasons. Women give birth. Women have periods. Rape/molest victims are usually female. No one seriously believes that Virgin Mary was really a virgin. Britney Spears. Women have often been oppressed in the past. Balding women are much more unacceptable than balding men.
But let's look at things from another point of view. If men are the ones who give birth to babies, imagine how many babies would have been born alcoholics. Imagine how big the penis would need to be. Imagine the pain for the ladies then.
Men don't have periods. But men have the insatiable lust that drives them crazy, force them to make stupid choices and be easily manipulated.
No one really cares if Virgin Mary was a virgin.
Britney Spears.
Women have frequently been the actual rulers behind the kings and emperors of many kingdoms and empires. There have also been many women who are as powerful, if not more powerful, than other men of their times.
Men bald more easily.
Finally, some women are just not that attractive, yet they seem to believe that they are. Evidence: girls who wear revealing clothes when they are not well-endowed (either have too little or too much). Confidence is fine, but if you end up being single forever after demanding too much from the guys, don't blame it on them. Same for the men - don't blame the women.
And if anyone is still wondering why more people are remaining single as the years go by, blame it on feminism. Here's a clear example.
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