Friday, 11 April 2008


Finally know what the Rule 34 of the Internet is:

"If it exists, there is porn of it. No exceptions."

This rule is so true!!! Seeing the porn of so many cartoons/shows has left me mentally scarred for life. Fuck, who wants to see Simpsons porn?!?!? They looks so alien! It's like watching animal or alien porn!!! Or Mickey Mouse......... seriously.

But then, it's not so bad because there is porn for just about every anime series and video games featuring human chicks (like DOA) in existence.

Now this is one reason why I keep saying that the Internet is a shithole. If I ever have children of my own, I will definitely not let them surf the net without my supervision. Not ever.

Okay going to test out a flash movie on the blog. Made a gmail account on the spot just for the google page account so that I can upload flash for free. This is the smallest flash movie (fliptopbox.swf) in my collection. Only 837k. The others range from 3-5M.

In the preview, at 3.50am now, it took only about 5 seconds to load. All thanks to this blog.

It is quite scary how easy it is to convert people to Christian beliefs. Here's a Christian comic that seems to persuade its readers to believe in Creationism, which is the belief that there was no evolution and God made all. I have some comments for some of the arguments but please read through the whole comic before reading my words.

Notice how the non-believer is portrayed as a rude bigot?

While the good Creationist student is a patient, polite young man. Already, it is easier to trust the words of the guy who seems to be the "good guy". Even if it is illogical, it is only human to judge a person by his looks at first. And oh yes, the name-calling habit of the teacher. However it is the spirit of science to think critically and question everything, and come to conclusions by logic, experiment and debate. So it's correctly portrayed at this point.

See? Another attempt to discredit the teacher. Obviously, if such teachers exist, they serve to only disgrace their country's education system, but do not reflect the attitudes of all scientists.

And more bigotry. What else can I call it?

Unfortunately for Creationism, no one saw God making everything either. In defense of science, I can only say that all that were derived from unbiased logic and recorded observations. It is "believed by faith" only by those who do not understand the science behind the theories, just like you believe by faith that your car engine works because of thermodynamics. On the other hand, maybe it works only because God made it work... So what does it say about God and global warming?

Even though the rock layers was dated 212 million years old, the skull was dated 160,000 years old. Wikipedia cites a book which I can't check, while this comic cites a seminar, which I can't check either.
Also according to Wikipedia, the prevailing opinion is that Lucy should be classified under Australopithecus afarensis, which is a hominid. Her knees are evidence that she normally walked upright, which monkeys rarely do.

Lucy: I'd not be so sure that "nearly all experts" agree on that.
Heidelberg Man: The jaw was merely the first of the pieces found. More were found later in Heidelberg.
Nebraska Man: One of the favourites of creationists, this claim was really found to be a mistake. The whole thing was a mistake.
Piltdown Man: A famous hoax. Kinda like the South Korean cloning expert.
Peking Man: Totally ridiculous how it disappeared. It just vanished suddenly during WWII on its way to the US.

That was an ancient method. Modern tests include potassium-argon dating and uranium-lead dating, which are amazingly more accurate than this "circular reasoning".

I don't know, maybe this comic is old, but I've never heard of the gill thing either.

Yep, it helps us shit and absorbs small shocks. But it's not a "vestigial organ", but a vestigial tail. A remnant of a tail that is no longer useful as a tail, it now serves a new purpose - to help us shit.

Losing anything is not against the theory of evolution. Remember those blind deep sea creatures? Well, there are also many species of insects in newly explored deep caves that are completely blind and white, which means they have lost some or all parts of their eyes and pigments. They evolved by losing these features while gaining others, like hypersensitivity to motion in the air or ground.

Evolution is not like an engineer upgrading a machine by adding better and better features. It is more like someone tinkering a machine, adding and removing by trial and error. Those that work, prosper and proliferate. Those that don't, die quickly.

Ahh... quantum physics. Everything in that area is highly debatable. Nobody knows much in that area anyway, and there're really too few ways to find out. How do you detect something that is smaller than photons, which is the tiny particle that forms light and energy? You have to shoot something out and wait for it to bounce back to know another object exists, but if that object is too small to block your "something", what then?

Nobody knows, but we're still trying to find out. Waiting for the next Einstein to arrive.

Here's the best part. There's something here that may not come to the reader intuitively: where's the evidence? Nothing is depicted here but the Biblical quotes. Yet somehow you'd absorb all that at face value. See the effects of all the positive/negative portrayal of characters in this comic?

And more bigotry from the blasphemers...

Now everything he says is right? No one argues his words. This comic isn't even arguing properly. It is a one-sided presentation of all the loopholes in the theory of evolution. This is a depiction of what science should not be - biased, lacking in logical deductions from recorded observations and relying on other non-scientific factors to persuade.

And don't forget: Christianity has nothing against slavery. Got Christian slaves? Want!

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